Chapter 10

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I walked into her office and seen the couple of girls that were smoking sitting in the chairs lined up to her office. I glanced at them. What a way to make a first impression. They probably thought I told on them. I gave them a "Sorry!" Look but they glared at me with their 15 pounds of black eyeliner. I sat in her chair, seeing pictures of old volleyball and basketball teams. Then there was the football team. Year 2015. Hunter was smack dab in the middle. Showing off his white teeth.
"Nira Harp, what a beautiful name. I heard about your nickname too. Orca? Where'd you get that name?" Uug this question again. There was only 37 minutes left in the day so I figured I might as well tell her as much as possible, so I don't have to run into Hunter or Nick again.
"Well, my grandma gave it to me. She's colorblind. All she can see is black and white. My mom said a couple days after I was born she came to visit, she said out of all the shades of black and white she had seen, I was most vibrant. So she called me orca. Ya know, Like the black and white whale." She was smiling from ear to ear.
"Thats amazing!"
"So, the reason I called you in here is because I had a question for you, its not really about those girls..." I nodded my head.
"We have a Student named Nick Grant. He's been having trouble with algebra. He told me you looked like you knew what you were doing. So he was wondering if you could be his study buddy." She folded her hands and my mouth dropped. That kid must have knew me or something. Why was he so obsessed with me? Why?! I was speechless.
"Uhh, I'm not really sure I-"
"Instead of going to the regular math class, you can go into the library to help. I'm sure you both can work together." At least ill be able to get out of the class.
"We want you to try it. You can quit if you want to, but you need a good reason." She paused.
"So? Whadaya say?" She smiled and folded her hands.
"Oh boy."

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