Chapter 48

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"So, now we are us..." Nick raised his eyebrows and held me. His chin on my head.
"What about our first date?"
"What about it? When?"
"What do you want?"
"Next saturday, good sunny weather. Pretty warm, that resturant on the ocean side, Lateenies?"
"Sounds good."
"Around 6pm, we can watch the sun set, over the ocean." I close my eyes imagining the perfect scene.
"It sounds perfect."
"Id pick you up, wearing jeans and a flannel, you would be wearing what? A fancy dress that brings out your body shape perfectly? Id take your hand and open the door for you, letting you in the car, we would sing to the radio, and when we pull up, we would already have a reservation. So we wouldn't need to wait, we would sit and order whatever we wanted, and just listen to the waves and watch as the sun gets covered by the night sky. All while sitting next to the most perfect girl in this universe..." I imagine him telling violet the same story. How she must have felt. That poor girl.
"I want it all..." He smiled and we kissed once more. Only to have to leave in 10 minutes.
"I should get going."
"Alright...want me to take you home?"

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