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(Everybody's fool-Evanesces)


   I rubbed at my eye as I made my way to the couch in the center of the room. Laying back upon the couch, I could now relax after the very non-satisfying sleep. A terrible sleep that left me mouth dry and reeling with confusion.

   Now I just needed the remote. The tiny cube was pestering at my side and making it quite clearly that it was below me. The familiar cube allowed for me to flip on the Tv and take in the reporters dark black curls that swayed as she spoke.

   She was currently speaking but the volume was too low to hear just exactly what. Turning the volume up a bit I tilted my head in hope of hearing just exactly what was happening.

   "It appears that the team known as Young Justice has got this scene wrapped up."she looked behind her to look at a building with minimal damage taken to it.

   "There was a battle that took place here in downtown Central. The hero's known as Kid Flash, Tigress, Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Superboy have saved Matid Tower from a horrid destruction."she kept talking as their faces came on to the screen.

   Seeing those faces again I couldn't help but cringe. It hurt that all I could feel was regret for the last time I saw those faces.

Destruction was the best word.


   I jumped from the building landing on my feet with a loud smack that made Cheshire look back to me.

   I could hear Wally coming from behind me but chose to not turn. The last thing I wanted was to give Cheshire a chance to slip even if it were probably impossible.

   I watched diligently as she made a sharp turn onto the next street. My brain rattled, what was Wally doing? For a boy with super speed he was running late. The surprise shouldn't be there leave it to Wally to be late somehow.

   Cheshire was playing some bad game of cat and mouse with me. Bat and mouse? Now wasn't the time for that thought maybe once we'd caught her.

   With a quick look around it was clear Wally was coming up to my left. Perfect.

   Cheshire made a quick beeline for a building with what looked to be a grappling hook. Quickly whipping my grappling hook out as well I followed closely waiting for Wally to catch up.

   Once upon the building Cheshire was already working to put even more distance between them. Utilizing her katana to pole vault over the large gap of the buildings. It was a large gap, but if I stopped now there would be no double on me falling. So with all my faith I worked up my courage and stupidity to leap.

   I pinched my eyes closed. Just as gravity started to pull down I could feel panic rising into my throat. When suddenly the pulling was gone and I could feel my arms wrapped around someone's neck.

   Opening my clenched eyes I was glad to see Wally. He must have finally caught up. He was currently giving me a piggy back ride.

   "Damn it Dick you can't just jump off buildings." Wally's scolded, but I really didn't care. I was too busy watching Cheshire's every move. I refused to let her escape my sight.

   I hoped that Wally alone, without me to weigh him down would be able to catch her. Clearly though, she knew how to evade Wally. Now she was literally jumping from buildings and of course I followed.

   Leaping with my grappling hook to pull me upward.

   Just a little closer with each step. However, now that I noticed it seemed she got closer then further with every step. Was she leading me on?

   She then flew down a building and that's when I lost visual of her. I panicked, this was the worst that could happen and she could easily slip away.

   She couldn't slip away. Artemis would have my bottom if I lost Cheshire especially since she seemed so adamant about catching her in the first place. Where was she though, because she sure wasn't on foot chasing the deranged feline woman.

   Bounding over the ledge where Cheshire had just minutes ago I spun in search of any sign that could show me the direction she went in. There was nothing. The night had hidden a lot and I'm sure her traces was one of them.

   My chest raised and fell quickly all I could hope was that Wally was still hot on her tail.

   A heavy sigh of annoyance as the mind link quickly took over and voices suddenly filled my thoughts.

   "Kid Flash, do you and Robin have Cheshire?" A sweet voice that belonged to M'gann filled my head.

   "Ugh Rob?" I could feel my stomach clentch at the realization of Wally not knowing.

   "Ugh." My mind raced on what to answer with. Clearly I was empty handed any more none words made that obvious.

   "Did you lose her." It was difficult to pretend that there wasn't plain agitation in Artemis' voice.

   "She slipped away, okay." Did she think this was my fault? Well it probably is. If I had just I don't know THROWN A DAMN BIRDARANG AT CHESHIRE.

   "Well if you could pick it up boy wonder." Did she just use the name? Oh it's totally on.

"Pick it up yourself I'm through!"I was definitely not going to help her sorry self. This was the last straw after everything that was being constantly thrown in my face I was through with it all. I pretty much hang up the mind call with a slam of the phone to the receiver. The equivalent at least.

After everything that we were going through I was over with anything involving her. Rolling my eyes behind my domino mask.

   It was silent on this busy night and I couldn't ask for anything better. What I really need is to be whelmed or this is bound to end asterous.

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