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(Nothing-the script)


Waking up I could see I wasn't in my room.

Confused I started to look around in panic.

Only to find Kitten in the corner of the room sitting on top of a book case.

"Morning."I could feel a headache coming in damn how much did I drink.

"What am I doing here." I said pressing my hand to my head.

"Well did you want me to take you to the mansion drunk?"she asked eyebrow cocked upward.

"Thanks I guess."I said looking at her."got anything for a hangover?"

"Got water.oh and I think I have a few bananas."she giggled.

"Haha sooooo funny."I said laying back down.

"Here."she said handing me a glass of water and a banana.

Drinking the water I started to peel the banana looking at her as she watched in Amusement.

"You gonna watch you perve?"I asked she shook her head and sat cross legged on the ground.

"You sure would know."she said laughing as I felt my face burn.

"No I mean I've never you know done that with Wally."I said feeling my face burn even more.

She broke out laughing even harder.

Grabbing the pillow behind me I threw it as it hit her in the face causing her to fall down.

"How old are you anyway I haven't really payed any attention to that."I said changing the subject.

"Only if you tell me how old you are."she said sticking her tongue out like a child.

"Okay but you first."I said now sitting cross legged.

"19."she said smiling."how bout you old man?"

"Ugh now I'm the old man. 22. Hey but at least I can legally drink."I smiled.

"And get legally drunk."she laughed at my pout.

"Bitch."I said lowly.

"Dickwad."she laughed.

Only to drag me into it.

A few minutes later I started to feel bored.

"I'm bored."I wined making Kitten roll her eyes.

"Then get a life."she said going back to what she was doing."why don't you go apologize to Wally."she said not looking up once.

"Because I know he shouldn't forgive me for what I said."I looked down ashamed .

"Be carful with your words once they're said they can only be forgiven not forgotten."she smiled and looked up at me.

"What happened?"I asked really confused.

"What do you mean by that?"she looked at me confusion covering her whole face.

"Why'd you decide to 'help' me?"I asked she shrugged.

"Guess wanted to prove that I could be good that I could do good."she said smile fading.

"Who do you have to prove yourself to?"I asked throwing some fuzz to the ground.

"I don't know every superhero?"she sounded like she was questioning it herself.

"Then why aren't you out there why're you here bored with ME."I emphasized the word me.

"I uh I wanted you to be the first to see that I had changed. I felt comfortable around you like you know, you know what I'm pretty sure I'm probably high on LSD ( 😉 ) or something."she said giggling.

"For real. Real mature."I said sticking out my tongue."Let's go somewhere."I wined.

"Go by yourself."she said smiling down at what looked to be a scrap book.

"No. I've got it prove to me."I smiled."Prove you don't just wanna wait for some other villain to come get me lets go somewhere like the mall or something anything."I said desperately.

"Okay mall only because you insisted."she said jumping down from the book case.


"Look here pretty boy."Kitten had pulled out a plain black crop top holding it to her chest.

"What am I supposed to say. Yah clothing."I said holding my hand out to grab it.

"You hungry?"she asked looking at her watch.

"Starved."I said in an over exaggeratingly way.

"Whatever it's only 7."she said giggling a bit."okay okay it's late I understand."

Walking to the car in silence as we placed the bags into the car and started to walk to the restaurant.

"You're not hungry?"I looked at her amused.

"Yes I am I just I don't really feel it now and days."she said smiling.

As the sun went down happiness filled the air.

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