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(My best friend-Tim MaGraw)


Freeze cut my leg a little knowing that I healed fast causing me to scream.

I heard running and all of a sudden Dick was there throwing bombs and gas things and anything I tried to warn him all of a sudden Zoom was there running towards Dick.

"Nighty!!!!!"I yelled he turned and jumped out of the way jumping to me and unchained me I picked him up bridal style startling him but we needed to get out now.

I ran and ran and ran and i didn't stop running till we got to the mountain where everyone was looking confused I then realized Dick had his arms rapped around my neck and his head buried in my shoulder and I was still holding him bridal style.

I let him back on the ground he released me and I spoke."Thanks for coming to save me and all but they were planning on blowing up that place."

"Well they should it was old and creepy."he joked.

"Thanks for saving me."I said sincerely.

"Right back at ya."he said winking.

"Ha see yah Nighty."I ran off.


Wally ran so fast I didn't want to fall so I became a leach and rapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his shoulder I barely realized that he wasn't running anymore.

He placed me back on the ground and he started to talk."Thanks for coming to save me and all but they were planning on blowing up that place."

"Well they should it was old and creepy."I joked trying to lighten up the mood.

"Thanks for saving me."He said sincerely.

"Right back at ya." I said then added a wink.

"Ha see you Nighty."he ran off leaving me.

I turned to see my confused team.

They must think me and Wally are a thing ha sure Wally had fiery red hair that went up together perfectly and shinny green eyes but we were Best Friends wait we Are Best Friends.

Oh no I think I'm falling for Wally I turned and walked to my room.


Today was the day me and Cassie were going on a date together. I saw Cassie walking to were I was I took her to the movies and it went well but I didn't feel any different than how I felt for her before.

At the end of the date I walked her home and then kissed her hand."See you later Cassie."

"Bye Jamie."She giggled and walked into her house.

I smiled and ran behind a building turning into Blue beetle and flying home.

I got home to see my sister and my parents watching a movie.

I walked in and sat down ready to watch whatever they were watching.

"Where were you sweetie?"My mom asked.

"Oh ... I went with Cassie to watch a movie."I said deciding that I should be honest.

"Like on a date?"my sister (idk his sisters name so she is gonna be Maria bc I just watched West Side Story) Maria asked.

"Well yeah-"My phone started to buzz and I looked at it, it was Cassie I picked up and answered. "What's up Cass?"

"Just calling to ask if you could come over to prove to my mom that I'm not making people up."she asked.

"Okay sure be there in a few."I hung up and got up."Got to go I'll be back in a few minutes."

I walked to the door and swung it open something fell on top of me and scared me causing me to yelp.

I looked closer to find that it was Bart.

"Not cool hermano."I said my parents and Maria coming to check on me.

"Hey not my fault you threw the door open when I was going to knock."He said."I was coming to check up on you, since you sort of missed our movie marathon."he sounded normal.

"Oh sorry hermano I went out with Cassie that's all."when I said that his smile faded.

"Well just tell me what days your free from Cassie."He turned and ran away I just looked at the floor and turned into Blue beetle.

"I'm going on patrol."I spoke wanting time to think.

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