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(Talking to the moon-Bruno Mars)


Nighty took one look at Impulse and spoke."looks like our friend is back feeling the mode?"he asked almost laughing. Everyone was here everyone including the titan part of the group who were usually in their T-tower.

"Yep feeling the mode."he didn't hesitate to talk.

"What are we going to do with him."Barry asked getting serious.

"What set you so serious?"Nighty asked confused.

"Bart told Flashy who he re marries."I spilled to my Nighty.

"So?"Nighty asked confused.

"It was Nothing!"Barry said irriated now.

"Who was it just tell us."I really wanted to know.

He looked at Bart who spoke fast. "Justdoithelikesyoutoo, youknowright,showhimyoucareabouthim, youonlygetonechance go."

Barry sped away Hal moved then froze.

"Hal you okay?"I asked confused.

"Me?"was all he said before Bart spoke up."Hal!"

"You knew."Hal asked looking at Bart."Yeah you should thank me for you know."he winked at Hal.

"But Barry, how long, when, what, since when has Barry-"

"A long time since a few weeks after iris's death."

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Hal found out who Barry re married."Bart said still happy.

"He told you?"I asked anxious.

"He didn't tell me he showed me."he said still frozen in place.

"What do you ... oh." I said realizing what he meant."Um so uh do you prefer Hal or what?"I asked now awkwardly.

"I'm Hal always have been Hal and I want to stay that way."he said cause Impulse to srug down."I'm going, see you all one day." He walked away.

Everyone stood in place still processing what happened.

"Does that mean I should call you my cousin?"I asked I hated awkwardness, seconds killed me.

"Yeah I guess I might not really be your cousin anymore." Impulse said sadness evident.

"It's okay kid."Blue beetle came forward to comfort the smaller speedster.

"Yeah it wasn't your fault."Wondergirl spoke

"It was though I don't need lies Cassie, and Jamie it's never okay." He said before speeding away.

The computer didn't go off showing that Impulse hadn't left the cave.

"Okay well we need Impulse so teams of two to search, Cassie and Jamie, -" Dick went on grouping people then said "Wally you come with me." I was so excited "okay let's find Impulse."He said letting the group go in different directions.

"So where do you think he went." I asked starting a conversation.

"Probably where were going to the bedroom."he said I froze. "Wait let me reword that were going to first check if he is in the bedrooms."

"Okay Nighty."

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever Dickie."

"Okay I prefer Nighty over Dickie any day."

"Okay Nighty."

We walked into the bedroom we walked around Dick behind me I turned to see a coat hanger scaring me I turned to run but ran into Dick on the floor me and Dicks faces were inches away as we sit in silence I didn't notice the door opening and Miss Martian walking in until I heard a giggle I jumped up to see her giggling.

I instantly felt like my face was on fire.

I helped Dick up "Sorry the coat stand scared me."I said telling him what happened.

"It's fine Wals." He said brushing himself down.


Cassie and me went to search the Kitchen.

I opened a cabinet to find the small brown haired speesster I let my hand out as he grabbed it and I helped him out. His green eyes digging into my heart I couldn't help but hug him feeling bad for the small speedster."it's okay hermano."I reassured.

I heard Cassie coming and got up letting go of Impulse to stand "found him Cassie.''she smiled and came to see.

"Good job Jamie."she encouraged me.

We walked to the lounge to play and talk while waiting.

"So where are you from."Cassie asked Impulse.

"The future."he said not at all happy.

"Your lieing." She said with disbelief.

"Want prof?"

"Sure. Okay let me ask you something only a future boy would know, like does Nightwing like Batgirl?"

"Nope he (sexe)my fingers are so perverted)secretly likes K- hey wait your trying to get me to tell you all who likes who."

"We should play Truth or Dare tonight."Cassie suggested.

"Sounds cool."I said in agreement.

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