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(Don't speak-No doubt)


I saw the yellow and red blur go to Artemis and I knew who he chose before I hit the ground the others had defeated the monster so we were back in Mt justice.

I turned and looked at Wally he looked at me with realization as a tear rolled down my cheek as I jumped off the platform and I walked to the zeta tube.

"Look Rob you gotta understand."KF words came out like he was regretting his choices so far.

"No I won't understand,and I sure don't need your reasons."I said with a shaking voice like I was on the verge of tears.

I walked through the zeta tube but before I could I saw Wally put his hands over his eyes.


I turned to see Rob looking at me a tear then ran down his cheek and I realized what have I done to this little bird he jumped of and walked to the zeta tube I thought how can I explain.

"Look Rob you gotta understand."That was all I came up with I'm so stupid.

Robin without turning around said "No I won't understand, and I sure don't need your reasons. "He sounded like he was about to cry.

He walked through the zeta tube, I put my hands over my eyes and started regretting everything I had done.

Artemis came beside me and spoke "Its okay babe you dont need h--"I instantly stopped her squinting my eyes.

"I'll be there to pick up my stuff by Friday have it all packed will you."

"Wait are you breaking up with me?"Artemis hissed.

"Thought it was pretty obvious."

"YOU'RE BREAKING UP WITH ME SO YOUR FRIEND WILL BE HAPPY IS THAT IT!!!"Artemis was screaming at this point.

"Him and I grew up together not you and me, me and my best friend and I wouldn't trade that for the world so bye bye Artemis."I said this with pure joy when I said best friend.

"If he still wants to be your best friend, ha!"Artemis spoke loud over my thoughts but that was true what if he doesn't want to be my best friend anymore.

"F**k you Artemis." I said as everyone was still watching the big scene as I walked through the zeta tube.

I needed a place to stay then it came to me I would stay with uncle Barry I went to the house and knocked 2 times all of a sudden the door flung back and I nearly fell on my face.

Barry lived alone since iris had died he had gone out but none of his relationships worked.

I looked at the person who opened the door he had brown hair, sweat pants and a gray t-shirt on.

"Uh am I at the wrong house im looking for Barry Allen."I said awkwardly.

"Oh you at the right house BARRY." he yelled like Barry was deft or maybe he didn't like having a boy stare confused.

Barry finally got to the door "Hey Wally what's up?"

"I made a poor choice and now Robin's upset and Artemis is mad at me and now I have nowhere to sleep so I thought I could stay here for a while. " hope that he would say yes filled me.

"Okay oh you know Hal." the guy in the sweat pants and t-shirt waved "Well you don't know Hal you really just know him as Green Lantern."I jumped this guy was Green Lantern. cool.

Barry left after walking me to the room that was reserved for me always. I layed in the bed and thought.

Me and Rob Spent everyday together now I really feel like I'm losing my best friend to think this could be the end it seems like Rob is letting this all go.

"Don't think that!"I snapped at myself, but I know what he means I don't need him to explain.

"Stop hurting yourself."I know he thinks I'm going to hurt him again and he doesn't trust me.

All those memories we made are like a comforting pillow but some just kill me.

I sat there on the bed put my hands over my eyes and cried I got to stop pretending like our friendship is still a thing when our friendship is dieing.

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