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(Wind of change-Scorpions)


The mission went well now everyone was were ever Me, Tim, and Garfield were at the mountain alone just them it was actually quite for once as I checked out some meta chain thing with Garfield and Tim chatting away with Garfield making a dumb joke on meta chains.

All of a sudden the warning went off and a big THING popped out of nowhere.

It opened and a boy jumped out with a "ta da."as the alarm went off screaming "intruder alert intruder alert."I spoke I had to make sure he didn't leave now."Computer locke down the Cave."

Garfield looked at me and spoke "Well I guess we found our unidentified Impulse. "Then he looked back at the boy who started to talk.

"Impulse, that's so crash. Catchy dramatic one word like Nightwing and Robin and Beast boy except that's two words Blue beetles two words hey is he here too, never mind Impulse can find that out for himself yahahaha. "He ran off leaving us standing well were gonna have to get him.

"You two take him out now."I ordered as they ran off.

A few minutes later I could hear running my way I threw some marbles on the floor to distract him.

"Haha can't catch me that easi-"I cut him off by hitting him knocking him down and cuffing him.

"Now that was crash."I said enjoying this.

"For you maybe, me I'm totally feeling the mode."he said on the ground.

I got water and put tracking devices in it."well Bart coming all the way from the future must've worked up a thirst "I gave him the water to drink and he accepted it.

He opened his mouth to speak again"oh ah your trying to get a DNA sample you need my spit."he spit in th cup "that is such a Dick Grayson thing to do."now Tim spoke"how did ..."he trailed off.

"See I only know stuff future boy would know Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Garfield Logan."

Garfield was bewildered"Your names Tim and yours is ... Dick?"

"Oops spoilers this whole secret identity thing is so retro I mean you can call me Impulse or Bart or Bart Allen or Bart Impulse Allen its all crash."

Tim turned to me"Is it possible he could be telling the truth could he really be from the future?"

Beast Boy got up close to Impulse"tell us something we don't know ... Yet, like when do I become leader of the team, when do I join the Justice League, or when do I get my own reality TV show?"

"Sorry BB never was the best history student besides we can't risk altering the time stream if we do that were all feeling the mode."

"And the mode would be bad?"

"Does get any worse it's always better to crash the mode."

"Uhhhh noted."Beast boy said confused like.

All of a sudden the computer spoke."recognized Malcolm Duncan."

"Oooo sounds like a door opening that's my cue." He vibrated his molecules and escaped from the cuffs"bye bye."he waved before running.

"Don't worry the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world he won't get away."Beast Boy said before transforming then leaving with a squawk he was gone.

Tim walked up to me talking "he doesn't stand a chance does he?"

"Nope Impulse is too fast, but at least we can track him."

"You placed a tracker on him it will fall off at his spead."

"It won't he drank it."

"Subconscious microtracker in the water nice."

"Thanks he's making a be line for Central city."

I called up Wally " Wals you got to get to Barrys place somethings are gonna go down I want you to be the reporter of the day okay tell me everything that happens."

"Wo slow your roll Dickie I haven't even said hi yet."

"GO I need to know what happens Wals all the dramas I have a feeling your gonna be surprised at what happens."

"Okay I'm at the door see ya later Dickie."

"Really Wals."

"Don't be such a dick."

"Only if you're not such a Wally."

"You know what I mean, God I love your name Dickie bye."he said hanging up why was I blushing I was just talking to Wally.

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