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(She's not me-Zara Larsson)

Filling up on what happened last

I smiled as I turned around I felt a pair of lips on mine and the crowd get quite that's when it all came rushing back.

I remember now everything like the awkward moment that me and Nighty had every now and then I also remember that kiss we had during that game of Truth or Dare all rushing to me so fast and then I remembered how this thing all started.

The Joker got a bunch of us in a huge cage thing he then locked us in and aimed a toy soldier at us the toy soldier was holding a toy gun when it pulled the trigger a purple flash of light came out and I forgot everything, I forgot my best friend.

He pulled back and I looked up at my best friend.

"Nighty?"I was so confused.

."KF you finally remembered me."he jumped out of my arms and stood up right giving me a glare Star turned the corner to see Nighty had been okay she walked to his side.

"You okay the Friend."she said looking at him she turned and sent me a squint then gave me a death glare I threw my arms up in surrender.

"Come on the Friend we shall go to the T-tower."she walked away with Dick.

I turned to the crowd."You all saw that right I'm the sane one, right?"I asked the people who witnessed what I just witnessed.

"Yeah looks like Nightwing just cheated you know he's dating Starfire."I squinted at this comment and ran off.

So you might ask am I jealous of Starfire and Dick dating no I'm perfectly fine with my best friend dating some perfect girl who wouldn't want to date her.

I was in my room I turned the TV on to see Nightwing and Star walking down the aisle I blinked a few times and looked back at the TV to see It was just a wedding show.

She doesn't love you the way I do, yes she's beautiful and they haven't fought but that doesn't mean they're perfect for each other.


I lay on the couch in the TV room thinking of everything.

Star walked in and laid her head on my chest I closed my eyes and dreamed the same dream that I had a few nights previous.

Were Wally is circling Artemis and Star won't let me help him, but this time Wally walked up to me and gave me a quick squeezed hug then Star swung at him and he ran back to Artemis and circled more times making me wanna cry.

I opened my eyes and saw a sleeping Star I pouted I loved Star, yes I do love Star, but more like a sister and I love Wally like a Boyfriend can't be Wally.


Walking around today was supposed to be the day that me and Jamie were gonna hang all day long but he was sick so I was going to his house to check on him.

I turned the corner and saw Cassie holding Jamies hand I instantly jumped back around the corner and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Ha! Wait Jamie I thought you were supposed to hang with Bart today."she said not really concerned.

"Yeah but I'd ditch Bart anytime so I can spend more time with you babe."those words sunk in and I turned the corner and looked at Jamie.

"You know something I considered you my BEST friend but you obviously don't i think you and Cassie are perfect for each other you both know how to treat a friend or am I considered just a burden, a third wheel, a tag along whatever you want to call me do it, to think I came back in time to save YOU Jamie but you know what I don't give a fuck anymore screw both of you I quit you both can be happy together, and Jamie."I handed him a bowl of chicken noodle soup."Get well soon hopefully you can cure that."with that I ran off.

I left Jamie and Cassie speechless both looking at the soup.


I'm going to take a little break but trust me best non intended cliff hanger if I'm not back by January then something might be wrong.

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