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(Save me-Remy zero)


I awoke to the scent of pancakes. Shuffling out of bed I made my way from my dark and empty room towards the smell.

Past Robins room I could hear him within the room. Something had been bothering the bird. There was someone in the Tv room when I got there a boy who laid upon the couch his yellow and red costume with a lightning bolt in a small circle on his chest. Curious.

Robin walked into the room standing alongside me I looked up to him for his reaction. The head on anger mixed with confusion and something else maybe nostalgia. All emotions were thrown out the window by his anger.

His frame marched over to the couch and poked furiously at the figure. "KF! Get out!" He whisper yelled.

"Five more Arty." Robin turned red and that already was not a good sign. I had to say I hadn't seen this reaction before. Interesting.

"Get the hell out KF and now, you better run as quick as you can before I strangle---" (BEEP, BEEP, BEEP). An alert from the computer cut off Robins yelling.

The boy know as KF was now wide awake and looked like he done something wrong or felt guilty about something. Strange.

"Killer moth is destroying the Galaxy museum Titans Go!"Robin yelled out.

   "Awe but my pancakes." Beast Boy pouted, but went on to his room to change.

   They all then emerged fully in costume and ready.

Everyone including this boy jumped to get to the scene that was taking place at the Galaxy Museum.



As I flew I watched Robin leap from building to building with his usual grace. While Kid Flash was keeping up a pretty average speed nothing that was what I would consider fast which was underwhelming considering he was a flash. Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg were currently fighting off goons.

It was my job to examine the scene from higher up see if I could find any signs or clues. I wouldn't lie though, I was pretty distracted by the scene below of Robin pulling out his grappling hook and grappling only a few feet from Killer moths head.

It was a strange decision. One that made even less sense as he jumped off the building only for Killer Moth to cut the rope of the grappling hook. Witnessing as Robin fell I instantly began zapping to catch him.

Realization came to me in a instant I wouldn't be able to catch Robin. My heart shattered as I stood still in mid air and closed my eyes I knew it was the end. I heard a loud whoosh sound and opened my eyes to catch a glimpse of Kid flash as he caught an unconscious Robin.

I made a mental note to thank him whenever I got the chance.

He placed Robin on the empty road checking his pulse before he then stood up and eyed Killer Moth he ran this time faster. A speed that suited a Flash. Once there he punched Killer moth square in the jaw.

Killer moth fell then flew away fast as he could go away from the scene obviously that wouldn't be the last time we saw him.


I placed Robin on the ground and checked his pulse. I let out a sigh of relief it was normal he was alright for now. I then turned to look at the one known as Killer Moth he was the one who hurt Robin.

Running as fast as my legs could take me I punched him as hard as I could in the jaw. Finally letting the anger of the situation I was in be taken out in a single punch. Killer moth fell to the ground and then flew away as fast as he could.

I spun around and there was Starfire, flying slowly to be beside the now unconscious Robin. Once I had returned to his side I begun checking him for scratches any bruises or broken bones. Thank goodness there was nothing too serious.

Luckily I could make it to him on time I don't know what I would've done if he was seriously hurt. I gulped at that thought. It stung as if a bee had landed mistaken me for a foe and stung right on through my heart. The venom a poisonous tang on my tongue.

Starfire's voice got my attention. "I can take the Robin back to the T-tower."Starfire offered obviously concerned for Robins well-being. She seemed like a great friend and an even better person.

"No it's fine. I can take him to the Tower. You know super-speed, um- I can get there faster."I wanted to be at Robins side the whole way. I hoped that Starfire would understand as I picked him up. "I'll meet you guys there."

The city was noisy just like any other. The run through it was practically nothing, but background noise. It didn't take long for him to make it to the tower and once he had he laid Robin down upon one of the med bay beds.

Dr. Wally worked to examine Robin for any injuries and bandaged his cuts cleaned his scrapes and once done took seat in the chair beside the bed. We both deserved some rest.

Not a peep escaped from our lips it was completely silent but it was nice silence.

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