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(Always together-Little mix)


I woke up and instantly turned to wake Arty up as a soon as I could so we could go to Mt Justice.

We got up and got dressed ready to go to mount Justice.


We went through the zeta tube to get there when we did I could see everyone was already there waiting for us.

Me and Arty went to say hi to everyone first the two of us went to Miss Martian who was talking along with Starfire and Raven.

As we approached they turned to face us.

"Hello again Kid Flash."Starfire smiled and put her hand out in front of her.

I grabbed her hand and shook it then said hi to Raven and Miss Martian by waving my hand.

Miss Martian waved back while Raven wanted to stay behind the cloak.

I turned around to see Artemis telling me she was instead going to stay with the Miss Martian, Starfire, and Raven.

I then went to the side all the boys were on and I could see Aqua Lad, Super Boy, Cyborg, And Beast Boy.

As I approached the group of boys I saw a small black cape visible at their feet.

I turned the corner to see the one and only small bird, he jumped up tempting to scare me.

"Boo!"Robin said so the girls wouldn't hear him I jumped a little and then punched him on the shoulder.

"I hid so your Artypoo couldn't see me she would flip if she knew I was here."Robin said a little disgust in the playful tone he wore.

"Come on she doesn't hate you that much."I stated trying to ease the tension between them two.

"She seriously voted for me to be kicked from the team you think she might like me?"he asked bluntly.

"Hey she wasn't the only one that voted you out Kaldur and Super Boy did too."I said defending my girlfriend.

"You see she threatened me on exposing the secret that Black Manta was my father."Kaldur stated defending himself.

Robin turned to Super Boy and pointed at him.

"And plus Super Boy was like 15 months old so how are you going to defend your girlfriend who lies to your face."Robin said blank faced.

I was prepared to fight until Batmans voice could be heard.

"Okay everyone gather around." Batman said gathering everyone and just like a ghost Robin just disappeared.

"So you all will be doing a virtual fight."Batman stated calmly.

When we were all strapped up Robin popped out of nowhere and strapped up fast then Batman turned to us "Good luck in there." He flipped a switch and we warped into a different place.

When I opened my eyes I saw Artemis running to me and Robin rolling his eyes while Starfire talked to him we were at Central City.

"Everyone over here." Aqua Lad spoke as everyone listened and walked to him.

"We brake into teams of three okay one team will have four, lets see ... Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire ... Me, Super Boy, and Miss Martian ... Aremis, Kid Flash, and Robin okay?"Aqua Lad said splitting us up.

"No way I'm working with him."Artemis said pointing at Robin.

"Well im not complaining about being on my own."Robin hissed.

"Come on guys we can get along like old times?"I said trying to calm them down.

"Lets go."Robin said walking the opposite direction.

The whole walk we were completely quite. We came up to a dome building we stood outside when all of a sudden out of nowhere a trap came out and caught us, I fell unconscious.

I woke up in an dark empty room all of a sudden all the lights shot on I saw Artemis and Robin tied up sitting on a dunk tank like seats a booming voice came over filling the room.

"You only can save one of your friends, who will it be, girlfriend or best friend . You're choice."The voice bounced off the walls.

They both fell I could only save one I looked at them and made my final choice.

I ran to her.

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