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(Never gonna be alone-Nickelback)


After Kid flash and Nightwings kiss our game of Truth or Dare had ended with everyone going to their own room since Bart had just showed up there was nowhere for him to sleep so he stayed in my room for the week but slept in the room of whoever wasn't there for the weekend.

Today he was sleeping in Cassies room so I hung out with him in we are totally not spying. Okay so we were very nosy people we wanted to know what people were thinking and what was going on to them.

"Jamie dude look this is so Crash I found her diary."Bart said like it was the most amazing thing on earth.

"Cool."I said not paying attention.

"November 19 I like this one guy from the team his name is ..." (NO IT'S NOT JOHN CENA)Bart stopped reading.

"What trying to give me a cliff hanger Bart It was just getting juicy read on who's her on team crush?"I was wondering who, Cassie didn't seem to favor anybody.

He read from where he left off."His name is Jamie Reyes. Ha "

"What?" I wanted to know.

"November 21 I know Jamie well but I'm starting to suspect that he might be gay."Bart started to laugh really hard as I felt myself blushing.

I grabbed the Diary and kept reading."Bart seems to be all over Jamie."I stopped reading and Bart stopped laughing awkwardness came into the room and it was so quiet a pin could be heard dropping.

I read some more."I mean Jamie is hot but for real Bart can back off I saw him first ... Yawn it's pretty late I think I'll just go, bye Bart."I said leaving

Walking down the hallway alone.

I made it to my room that was dumb sure Bart had dazzling green eyes and perfect brown hair that fell perfectly in place, wait what, did that make me gay no I'm not gay am I no I'd prove it I'm going to ask Cassie on a date as soon as possible.


"Hey Cass I was wondering if maybe you would like to ... you know go on a date."I asked as calmly as possible.

"I thought you'd never ask."she said throwing her hands to her hips.

"So is that a yes?"I was confused.

"Of course. When, and where?"she asked plainly.

"Tomorrow 10 at the theater?"I was really just asking if she was okay with it.

"See you there then Jamie."She said walking off.

Yes here we go.


I ended up letting Bart off the hook and just tried to avoid everyone.

A mission popped up so I recruited part of the team.

Batgirl, Aqualad, Aquagirl, Garth, Lagoon boy, Raven, Cyborg, Bumblebee, and Guardian.

I stayed in my bedroom 60% of the time.

I heard a knock on the door and made my way over to it I hope it's not someone who witnessed last night I opened the door a crack to see Tim."Sup Timmy what up?"

"Nothing just wanted to talk I guess."

"Okay come on in then."I was just being nice I really just wanted to be alone.

I got a phone call and picked it up it was Wally but when I answered I didn't hear Wallys familiar voice I heard Captain Cold one of Wallys enemies he started to talk "If you want your teammate I suggest you come and get him in the abandoned orphanage on Crantle St and Temgai Rd-No Nighty don't it's-SHUT UP."

I had to save Wally.

"Got to go Timmy take care."I said halfway through the door.

"Bye Dick."I heard him say before I was completely gone.

I looked for the abandoned orphanage I saw it and stopped no way on Earth would I ever had gone in there if there was no reason but my reason was to save Wally.

I threw the doors open and saw the dark damp place how come they didn't destroy this place it was creepy and old I'm going to request that they take this place down they can build a mall or something I all of a sudden heard a scream ... Wally.

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