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(Last resort-Papa Roach)

Just so you know I know that they are all different ages but in this story they are going to be in the same grade. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


1st day back to school

As I woke my eyes stung from crying all night long I hated that we had to go to school I hated it had been months since he fought me and Artemis haven't talked since the fight and the chances that he might have a class with her was pretty high and then there was Robin.


Robin had trusted Wally with his secret identity as Dick Grayson.

Secret Identities
-Cyborg-Victor Stone-     
-Beast Boy-Garfeild Logan-
-Starfire-Maddie Brian-  
-Raven-Stella Trinity-
-Robin-Dick Grayson-    
-Kid Flash-Wally West-
-Miss Martian-M'gann Morse-
-Super Boy-Conner Kent-
-Aqua Lad-Kaldur Ahm-
-Artemis-Artemis Crock-
-Terra-Terra Marden-
-Jinx-Callie Alter-


I ran to school(normal person run).

When I got to school I looked at my schedule first period was Algebra 2 with Mr. Doneabek.

I got to first period being the third person there I looked around to find M'gann.

"Hey M'g ."the other two people looked like they were normal kids.

"Hi Wally I was told that Callie ,and Terra are in this class also I thought you should know Dick is in this class to." she said nervous.

"How did ... OH."I said I must've sounded dumb.

"Oh and you see Artemis is in this class too."she said hoping I wouldn't get mad.

"Trust me when I say she's most likely going to ignore me like Dick."I said truthfully.

"You two are best friends what happened that--Conner."She stopped to wave at Conner and the subject was gone.


The class was full except for the seat next to Wally, Artemis sat as far away from Wally in the class as she could get then Dick walked in and looked around for a seat he saw the seat next to Wally and he sure didn't want that seat he sighed and so did Waly, Dick sat and turned to Wally "Better leave me alone Wally I'm still mad at you."

Mr Donenek walked in the class taping on the board to get the classes attention.

"Hello I'm Mr Donebek I will be your Algebra 2 teacher for the year any questions?"

Robin raised his hand.


"Richard, Richard Grayson ... um will we be having these seats for very long?"

"Do you have a problem with your seat?"

"I don't get along well with some people."he said squinting at Wally.

Conner and M'gann sighed as Wally crossed his arms over his chest.

"Okay ... we actually won't get new seats for a while."

Second was no better the teacher had pairs of two for seats and Wally had to sit with Dick so the day dragged on the only class that had all the ones like them was eighth it had eighteen students including

Victor, Garfeild, Maddie, Stella, Dick, Wally, M'gann, Conner, Kaldur, Artemis, Terra, and Callie. Along with six normal people.

When the day was over Wally ran home.

He laid on his bed and cried till he fell asleep drained of all his energy.


"Bruce, Wally is frequently crying all the time and since his parents died I'm afraid he might do something jurassic please talk to Dick about this Wally misses his best friend."I tried to reason with Bruce.

"You sure he doesn't just miss his girlfriend?"Bruce asked plainly

"Okay so I hear what he mumbles in his sleep all he says is 'Robin you've got to understand I made a bad choice.' Then he starts to cry in his sleep I don't know what to do anymore I'm afraid for Wallys sake I can't let him get hurt he's all I have left."

"Okay I'll talk to Robin can you now leave me alone Barry why don't you go bug your boyfriend."

"For the last time Bruce, Hal isn't my boyfriend."I said annoyed.

"Okay whatever I've got paperwork let me work."

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