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(If everyone cared-Nickelback)

DICKS POV (continued)

"Ow what's going on Dick last thing I remember I was on my couch."he said rubbing his head.

"Wally listen I'm so sorry I didn't mean what I said I'm soooo sorry I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean any of it you have to understand."

"Dick."he said softly but I could barley hear him over my self talking.

"I was angry and agitated that everyone was showing me pity that when you brought it up I didn't want you to feel the same I wanted you to still be my best friend."

"Dickie."he said once again but I wasn't done talking yet.

"I've already lost so many friends first I lost Zatanna then I lost Kitten oh I didn't get to tell you Kitten was trying to be nice she changed and didn't want to hurt anyone and someone took her I don't know if she's dead or If she's alright I don't even know if I'm sane anymore-."I was stopped while rushing to explain myself.

"Dick look it's Batman!"he said as I came to a quick stop.

"Where?"I asked looking around.

"Nowhere but listen I know you didn't mean what you said you were angry I was sad that you'd think I didn't care about you."he said hugging me tightly.

"Done with the scene?"Rudy asked.

"Hehe yeah I guess."I said rubbing the back of my neck as we backed away from each other.

"Who are you two? Why're you in my suit?"he asked looking at John.

"I'm John this is Rudy. And I believe this is my suit."he said grabbing onto the suit.

Wally looked at me pleadingly."what do you want me to say Wally?"he pouted eyes getting big.

"What?"I asked yelling sort of.

And as if on cue a big explosion was heard in the distance.

"Never mind."he said flashing into his Kid flash costume."better."

"Let's go."I said jumping onto Wallys back.

Getting close enough to where we were safe I looked around as John and Rudy rushed in.

"What's going on?!"I asked confused.

"It's Darksied."John said pain and fear evident.

Another explosion."Get behind me."I said holding John and Rudy behind me.

Wally quickly coming back."Run Dick get out of here with those two!"he yelled."it's Darksied!"

"Go John go Rudy!"I said looking at them as I saw him emerge fear now on my face.

I could hear an explosion but I didn't see it as my vision blurred.

Looking around I saw I was in a house with Wally, John, and Rudy.

"Wha-Wally."I wined."we have to fight."

"Not without a plan."he said sternly.

"Okay any ideas?"I asked looking around.

John raised his hand as I scanned."okay nobody."I looked at Wally who was giving me a look that said 'give him a chance'

"Fine John?"I asked as he smiled.

"What if we you know send him back from where he came from,"John asked but was shot down by Rudy.

"How're we gonna get him there though? I mean it isn't a bad idea but he has explosive vision and stuff."he said looking worried.

"We can get rid of his vision then."

"How?"Rudy said sarcastically.

"Get RID of his vision."John emphasized.

Wally walked out of the room looking as I saw him leave.

Following close after.

"Wally? You okay?"I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"No Dick this's a suicide mission."he said looking at the ground."they're just kids.

This took me aback."Wally WE were 'just kids' what happened to give them a chance?"

"This is Darksied we're talking about, the mans got no mercy."he said looking back up at me.

"Wally its-"I stopped to think a bit."it's just I don't know anymore there's no saying this is even real."

"Who's to say it's not."

"I don't know Wally I'm just-when we were younger we would get furious when they'd call us kids and ... Now we can finally see what they saw."

"I know-."

"No they saw a bunch of kids kids who they would give their life's to save kids who didn't want their help kids who wanted to get themselves killed."

"Dick we're we're not sure we're even going to survive this."he said looking at me sadly.

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