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(Not alone-Red until we have faces)


   I was walking around for a bit before finally entering the Tv room. There Robin lay he was napping, I think. I sat in the single chair adjacent to the couch and looked at how peacefully he rested. He nudged a bit I wondered what he could possibly be thinking of.

   Whatever it was was bothering him as he twitched and grunted. He started to jerk about a bit harder and I could feel the concern taking over my face. He looked no longer peaceful now he looked thoroughly bothered.

   Leaning over him I poked at him and watched as he didn't react. "Robin are you alright?" Was it normal for him to be twitching so much? I would never get used to these human mannerism. "Robin are you quite alright?" I asked once again examining his masked face which contorted that did not look comfortable.

   It looked as if he was in pain so I shook him and when that didn't appear to rouse him I hit his arm. Softly at first then with a great deal of my might. However that still had not woken him and I was beginning to panic a little.

   We couldn't lose Robin he cared for the team so much, he wanted to get justice, he wanted peace. I couldn't possibly see that happening without him.

   I noticed Cyborg and Beat Boy enter the room. They chatted about happily. This calmed me greatly to know there was the two of them to help me. "Robin will not wake."

   "He's probably just ignoring you. He does that to me all the time. Do you know where the remote is?" Beast Boy asked clearly not phased.

   Cyborg however seemed to care a bit more, "Well seeing as how Robin is here maybe he knows where the remote is."

   This prompted Beast Boy to start yelling Robins name repeatedly and once again he showed no reaction to the noise. He seemed to be stirring just not enough to wake.

   "Hey, I'm sure he's fine, probably just used to the noise. Maybe he grew up around a lot of noise and is now a heavy sleeper." He giggled and I joined in. The light joking made the situation a little lighter.

   Beast Boy sat back one last yell for Robin to wake and the boy was up. He didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest just nodding when Beast Boy asked for the remote handing it to him. He did not seem to be aware of the lengths that I went through to get him to wake up. Even to just simply open his eyes a peek.

   He then stood and walked to the elevator. I turned to Beast Boy and Cyborg. Beast Boy already glued to the Tv. Then again Beast Boy had known Robin for the longest out of us all maybe he knew something none of us did. Something that allowed for him to not be bothered by such action. Cyborg stared along with me and both reactions were a comfort to me. To know that I was not the only one concerned while also understanding the calm and not in the slightest concerned one.

   I walked to the window that looked out of the front door and watched as he stood there just staring off into the distance. I wanted to ask, wanted to help him with his burden. Something gripped me watching him the thought that perhaps he wanted to be left alone to his thoughts. Let them be his in whole.

   I felt bad, something was clearly off and looking back clearly I was not the only one who felt this way either.

   The sun was rising along the horizon. It would soon be another day of protecting the city and its citizens from the dangers that seemed to threaten it almost daily.

   I looked back down to Robin and thought of all those times he cheered me up. I wanted to be there for him, to make him smile and feel happy the same he would do for me.

   I made my way to the elevator and clicked. I was going to comfort him the same way he would for me. The same way he always did.

   Once there I pushed past the door and stoped. There stood a few feet from Robin was a boy. The yellow and red of his costume stuck out along the scenery and I wished I could identify just who it was.

   He was taller than Robin. To my surprise Robin didn't seem surprised or worried about the person. Rather when he turned he smiled, a genuine smile. Maybe an old buddy I told myself. It would be rude to just watch on and not introduce myself. Although, right as I went to walk closer the boy spoke.

   "Do you still trust me?" The boy put his hand upon Robins shoulder and smiled as well. They looked to be examining one another maybe Robin didn't trust this person after all.

   Robin dropped his head and shook. He didn't answer, yet the boy went on. "Then believe me when I say you're not alone in this buddy." He stared off into the distance. "I'm sorry I haven't- I haven't been there for you. I'm here for you now, if you ever need me just call." They stood in silence a little longer and I consider greeting him again, but once again am stopped by him speaking again.

   "I would've answered if you'd called Rob." He fiddled with this hand. "If you'd just picked up too."

   "You know." He sounded small, "you're still me best friend and nothing has changed that. Well unless you don't trust me Rob." He spoke on and on and Robin just stayed standing.

   One more greeting considerations and Robin turned, which took me by surprise. Before tugging the taller of the two into an embrace. I couldn't help but smile along. He looked happier this way.

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