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(Fall out boys-alone together)


Furious that Wally could do such a thing how could he he knows how I feel about Zatanna and he did THAT.

I don't know if I could ever forgive his carelessness.

I walked trying to calm myself I didn't wanna talk to Wally ever again.


As I walked into the Watchtower I was almost thrown over by Super girl.

"Oh my I heard what happened to Zatanna ... Are you alright?"she asked looking at me as i looked at the ground.

"Yeah I'm-I'm fine."I said still looking at the ground.

"No you're not Nightwing. How about we talk over a coffee?"

"Sure." I said bringing my head up at her offer.

"Tomorrow 9ish at the café across the street from the hall of justice Buckys café."she said as she pulled out a piece of paper out and wrote down her number.

"Here you go."she said handing me the paper. "see you then"

"See ya tomorrow Kara."I said walking the opposition direction.

Not 5 minutes later while walking towards the computer for some work maybe before I was stopped by someone.

Huntress she stopped me to talk."hey how you doing Nightwing?"

Looking back to the ground again I spoke."I'm fine really."

"No you're not I can tell you're lying you just lost one of your best friends."she said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Really I'm-"she stopped me mid sentence.

"No you're not. Let me take you out for some lunch maybe?"she asked bringing my head to look at her.

"Okay when do you you know want to meet up and where?"I asked just accepting it.

"Wednesday 2ish at Gwen's?"she asked turning to walk off.

"Okay see ya then."I said as she now walked off.

Finally making it I smiled at the thought of being distracted.

Robbery in process right now.

I jumped up and ran to where the robbery was taking place only to find the one and only Kitten.

"Miss me already?"she said giving me a small wink.

"No just here to put you behind bars."I said making conversation waiting for the police to show up.

"Oooo waiting for the handcuffs are we?"she said wiggling her eyebrow.

Not saying anything she kept talking on her own."it's okay sweetum won't be needing them anywho."she said trying to swing out only to be cut off by me.

"Won't be going anywhere Kitten."I said as she smiled.

"It would be nice to rub your naked body with dollar bills but sadly I don't have time for that." She said but was cut off when I grabbed the sac of money.

"Hey let go!"she half yelled annoyed as we both heard the sirens coming from outside.

Hearing I crash I looked to see Starfire.

Looking back to Kitten I was annoyed to see she had slipped.

"Damn."I whispered under my breath.

Looking back up to Star I saw she was obviously concerned.

"What're you doing here?"she asks as I look at her and smile.

"I was catching Kitten but."I looked around to show I had lost her.

"Oh I had the heard what had happened to your friend Zatanna."she grabbed my arm so I couldn't go anywhere.

"Listen star-"she tilted her head only making me smile.

"Okay what's it?"she looked surprised.

"Oh okay I was wondering if you you would like to have the walk through park with me maybe Wednesday?"she asked looking away.

I tried to meet her eyes only for her to fly away looking back down at me ."9ish"she said and flew off leaving me.

Throwing my hands into my pockets I could feel two papers.

Pulling both out I saw Kara's number and a note.

'Steves 2:30 Thursday sharp

Laughing at the thought that she could do that AND slip free in that time frame.

Looking at the ground I frowned I needed a calendar for all this.

Looking backup I saw the dark blue sky start to rise.

Speeding home as Nightwing I got to the Bat Cave and changed back to Dick Grayson.

Calling it a night.

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