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(Madonna-Ghost town)


We were informed on a bomb that was activated on a small island barley known to man.

Which was weird after all there wasn't any sign of human life on the small island anyway.

Fighting alongside Barbara who was circling the sky's in a plane; Aqualad who was swimming around the island looking for any sign of life; Zatanna was keeping the bomb stable till KF arrived.

As I could see water flying from behind the yellow blur known as Wally.

"How much time left?"I asked from a tree top.

"3 minutes."someone said.

"Hurry Wally."I whispered to myself.

As I looked around from above I still was surprised at no human life known on this small habitat.

Jumping to the ground I could see Wally working on the bomb.

Walking back to the the water I could see Zatanna wetting her face with the clear water.

"Hey Z." I said sitting beside her.

"How you doing?"she asked looking at me.

"Great I guess."I laughed a bit making her smile.

"Come on let's get back to guarding the bomb." She laughed throwing her arm over my shoulders.

We relaxed as we heard Wally voice come over everything."it's done."

We both smiled and kept on walking.

There was a screaming noise behind me and Zatanna causing me and her to throw ourselves around.

To see at least a dozen guys in loin cloths and boots along with long hair and spears looking like cavemen.

Looking at Zatanna but before I could say anything she ran.

Looking at her as she ran I realized she wasn't leaving me she wanted me to follow.

Running after as the guys followed.

Catching up quickly I jumped and started to take on a few at a time knocking out at least 3 leaving us to fend against 9 more guys.

Zatanna started to fly as she spoke."Og kcab ot erehw uoy em-!"she fell instantly to the ground.

Running to her to see a spear stabbed into her coming out the other side of her abdomen.

"Z!"I screamed as her eyes began to lose their usual blue color quite fast.

"Pl-pl-ple-plea-please."she wrenched out as blood started to spill from her mouth.

"Z?"I asked as I could see her eyes slowly lose their soulful look.

"Plea-please ta-take ca-care of-of W-Wa-Wall-Wally."she said blood come more often now.

I could feel tears start to fall uncontrollably from my eyes.

"Take ca-care Rob. Dnoces ecnahc."she said as a tear fell from what was left of her blue eyes.

Leaving her body lifeless, stiff, and cold as blood stained my costume.

Reaching my arm forward to close her eyes as pain ran through my body uncontrollably.

Vengeance blaring in my eyes as I felt the fire of hell burning me.

Grinding my teeth looking at those monsters.

Holding Zatannas lifeless body close in my arms.

People always thought I had liked her.

That wasn't the case I thought of Zatanna as a little sister a person I would do anything to protect.

Brushing her hair out of her cold face I could feel her freezing forehead beneath my lips.

Tears rushing from my eyes.

How could they do this!

To Z.

She was so young, so young. too young, too young for this fate.

I could hear an explosion in the distance.

As Wally was all of a sudden beside me.

"NIGHTY WE NEED TO GET GOING!"Wally yelled in a worrisome tone.

But I didn't care Z was dead gone and now everyone is going to expect me to act like everything is fine.

"DICK!"he said obviously in a hurry.

"CAN'T YOU SEE ZATANNA IS DEAD YOU DICKWAD!"I yelled taking Wally aback.

"Nighty."he said reaching out but I pulled back instantly.

"No."I said pulling her dead body closer another explosion.

"We have to get going."he said worried.

"Let's go then."I said standing up with Zatanna in my arms.

"I can't carry you both!"he said looked like he was anxious to get out as soon as possible.

"Then take Z somewhere and come back for me."I said he looked up and down and shook his head no.

"YES!"I yelled.


"NOBODY ASKED FOR YOU TO STAY!"I yelled and he looked hurt another explosion but closer.

Before I knew what was happening I was at a coast line without Zatanna.

Screaming as people looked at me worried I started fuming.


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