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(How to save a life-The Fray)


I remembered what Barry asked me and started to call up Robin.


"Robin we need to talk get over here."I was sooooooooo bored

"What is it Batman just tell me now."

"get over here."

"Fine I'll be there in a few."

Robin finally got here I only told him to talk to Wally or I was taking him off the Teen Titans he got up and said an fine and left.


I really didn't want to talk to Wally but I was threatened I left a letter on his desk when he came in he picked it up I put it under meet me I doubt he wanted to talk to me he looked at Artemis and rolled his eyes he stood up and walked to Artemis.

"I'm sorry Artemis I'm not interested."he said putting the letter on her desk.

"What you think I want you back?"Artemis nearly yelled she had a gift of being able to attract attention everyone was looking.

"You didn't leave me this letter on my desk."Wally asked confused.

"No I wouldn't want a guy who chose his best friend over his own girl, isn't that right Grayson."She said annoyed.

I closed my book anger rushing up my body."Well you can have him were not friends anymore."I said rushing out of the class.

I skipped school annoyed.

I kept an eye on the picnic table I told Wally to meet me at when I saw him I started walking then remembered that I said we weren't friends why did I come.

Then I saw Wally he looked like he hadn't slept in years I had to for my friend's sake.

I sat in front of him and he frowned.

"Look Wals I didn't mean what I said I was angry please forgive me for doing all I've done I'm sorry it's all my fault for judging you amd Artemis it's all my fault for everything that has happened please forgive me for all my judgment."I said letting a tear free.

"Listen Dick it's not your fault it's mine I knew that you didn't get along with Artemis well I should have said no to her a long time ago I don't know what I saw in her."

I got out of my seat and hugged him.

"I told you needed to understand Dick."Wally said playfully.

"Thanks for being my friend."I was happy to be considered his friend.

"Eh BEST friend."Wally corrected

"No one can replace you Walls."I said sincerely.

"That is so nice Dickie."

"I told you not to call me that."



I walked over to the park to see Wally and Robin hugging.

I walked up as they pulled away from the embrace.

"Hey Maddie."Robin exclaimed.

"Sup Robin."I said I knew his usual Sunglasses that almost never left his face.

"Hey Mads."Wally gave a smile."Oh got to go home Barry needs my help see you both later ." He had been listening to the ear piece he had.

Wally ran behind a building and popped out wearing his Kid flash costume.

"Got to run guys see you all later."He ran off leaving me and Robin alone.

I finally found enough courage after a while and spoke. " Hey Robin I was wondering if maybe you would like to watch a movie sometime soon."I was finally asking him to hag alone with me.

"Sure I would love to hang out anytime with you just tell me the day and I will let you know."he said like it was no big deal,

"I've got to take care of Bruce waynes kids you know The two youngest of them all what are their names ... Oh yeah Tim and Jason I have to take care of them today see ya later though. "He walked away to the other side of the street than he disappeared.

I got to the T-tower and slept thinking about Robin and what he was probably talking about at that moment when he and Wally were in the park.

What could they have been talking about I wonder.

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