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As my eyes flickering open I could feel myself grasping Damian tightly in my arms remembering last night when I had put him into his bed.

Twisting myself to look back I saw that no light was coming from the window.

Tiered I reached for my phone I pulled out the small flip phone whose bright screen looked back at me almost blindingly.

Reading 5:27am i groaned at the thought of waking up so early in the morning.

Putting it back in my pocket i laid wanting to sleep more but knowing i would never allow myself to sleep after waking up.

A thought came to mind leaving me wondering what Wally was doing more importantly how Wally was doing.

I felt Damian squirming by my side his eyes now opening looking at me sad faced as I opened my mouth."Hey would you mind if we talk?"

He looked tiered but I knew he was wide awake"About ... Wally?"I stayed quiet my head hanging looking down at the bed spread afraid of my own answer.

"Yes."I said it it came from my mouth off my lips but yet not it wasn't me it was like I wasn't in control of what I was saying.

"What do you want to talk about?" I picked my head up to look at him.

He looked a bit like he knew what I wanted to know."like I don't know what happened back at the wedding?"

Now was his turn to hang his head."Well um Wally uh he ran out he ran out of there."

Looking at him now with a looked that said for real."You know that's not what I mean."

His head came up looking at me tearful."Dick." His voice was shaky but that's not what got me what got me is when he called me Dick.

I couldn't hold back my imagination I knew if it ran wild I'd be in trouble in a war my thoughts would win they always did.

Before I could think the worst Damian spoke." He- you- Barbara-"silence took over again.

"What happened Damian?" Not wanting to cry I looked away not thinking too much about it I barely realized that he wasn't responding.

"Damian!"I looked back at him he was trying to hold back the tears to see him cry was like to see a natural born purple cow.

My head moved uncomfortably."I've got to go."I stood up but stopped when I heard the words coming from Damian.

"It was normal you looked at Barbara she looked at you you two just looked like man made."He paused and I realized I was holding back my breath.

He continued on."Everything was fine ... Then came the I do's ... And he ran he ran he just he didn't look back ... What happened at the wedding."he now looked back to the bed spread.

"What happened was Wally knew he knew if if he hadn't had shown-"he stopped I looked to him.

And now I regretted asking just to know what pain Wally must be enduring.


I speed on past Captain Freeze leaving his head spinning trying to catch up.

Running him to prison as I came to a quick stop to breathe in the clear clean air.

Looking around at all the bystanders who were now clapping and cheering I waved to them and speed off towards my apartment where I had been staying since I had moved out of Barry's place.

Running into the one room apartment I grabbed my coveralls and quickly threw them on.

I looked in the bathroom mirror to check for any cuts or bruises.

Grabbing my keys I walked out the door and locked it putting them into my pocket.

Walking all the way to the garage opening my phone to see that it was 9:56 am also seeing that I had 73 new messages.

I closed my phone not wanting to know what these messages might be about probably concerning what happened back at the wedding.

Showing up at the garage nobody was there checking my phone again I saw that it was 10:47 looking back I saw I now had 92 new messages.

I was tempted I opened the messages and heard a crash from behind me.

Making me jump with fear only to see one of my co-worker.

Closing my phone we got to work.

Hope y'all are having a amazing summer so far.

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