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(Bring me back to life-extreme music)


I ran across but soon felt the coldness of ice I looked back and saw Captain cold smiling his usual smile before I hauled him off to jail that he of course inevitably escaped from.

Rolling my eyes I ran as I punched him only for my costume to get a rip at the shoulder by an all to familiar friend Captain Boomerang.

Okay double team I could do this I smiled as I flashed behind Captain Freeze rushing as his ray of ice followed behind me without a mind as to where it could be going

Only to hit Captain Boomerang in the arm as he caught on to what I was doing frowning in anger.

Seeing him hack the ice away with a boomerang made me laugh at his awkward stance.

As I ran behind Captain Boomerang hitting him hard in the arm as he threw it up in defense.

Quickly changing my tactic as I hit his head from the side.

As he grabbed his head.

Flashing I grabbed Captain cold avoiding quite close ice.

As I hit their heads together.

Making them both fall in agony and pain.


I jumped as Clayface threw another punch towards my feet and another as I dodged it by a second.

Jumping into his shoulder he reached to hit me I jumped to his other arm and placed a bomb on him and jumped to the ground as he froze when ice came from nowhere.

Looking I saw Captain freeze anger showing with his eyebrows both going straight down.

Putting Clayface in a police car as it drove off I fell seeing as killer moth had thrown his sticky cocoon mess sticking me to the side walk.

"Where's Kitten!"he yelled anger flaring in his voice as he tried his best not to kill me instantly.

"I don't know I thought one of your fellow villains could have told you one of them hurt kitten!"I said he looked as though he didn't believe me though.

"Where is she."he said very obviously through grinding teeth.

"I told you I don't know if she's even alive!!!!"I yelled as he flew backwards.

"No ... Who?"he asked anger still there but not for me.

"I-I don't know they they got away and I didn't see them."I said looking away but then felt a spark of hope.

"They used a katana."I said looking at him he seemed to fly backward and look around leaving in a hurry.

Leaving me stuck to the ground.

Struggling I grabbed my all to useful Wingding ( 😂 ) cutting my way free.

Seeing Toyman and Cheetah double teaming Hal as he fought Toyman, Cheetah  slowly crept behind Hal.

I jumped up and ran to where they were but by the time I got there they had managed to knock Hal out cold.

Hitting Toyman.

Wonder Woman jumped in and started fighting Cheetah.

As they fought I stated to fight Toyman who was quite the villain.

He threw some of his creations at me things he claimed where hard to defeat.

What got me was a speeding toy car.

Which was probably a few hours slower than Wally.

It was fast as it followed really fast scaring me as it neared me.

I was now jumping from building to building but I couldn't shake it off my ass.

Looking back I saw a yellow and red streak coming towards the toy car ripping what looked like wires out of it.

Dropping in at the ground causing it to break on contact.

"Let's finish this."he said I smiled and jumped on his back as we rushed to the battlefield.

Fighting back to back with the speedster made me smile.


I looked to Dick who was now throwing his Wingdings at Backlash who was bruised and had some cuts.

I quickly tied up the fiddler who was messing with my speed and now looked back to Dick running my way over to him.

Dick finished fighting Backlash and now had him tied up.

I ran to Dicks side and smiled.

But that quickly faded as a single gun shot could be heard clear through the now silent air.

And I watched as ... They fell.

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