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(My chemical romance-welcome to the black parade)


Throwing my sunglasses

Running to Bucky's at 9:40ish hoping Kara was still there after all I was a bit late.

Seeing her sitting in a booth with a guy looking I saw her laughing at whatever he was saying I smiled I'll just lie and say I woke up really late.

Smiling back in her direction I walked out hoping not to be seen.


Looking around the park I could see nobody there yet.

Sitting on a lonesome park bench I looked around again for Star looking at the ground at all the little pebbles.

Feeling a tap on the shoulder I looked up to see Star smiling down at me.

Sitting beside me on the bench she looked at me I could see the pity in her eyes.

Not wanting to see that I looked back at the ground.

"So just you know wondering how you're doing with all of this?"

I didn't move my head still looking at the ground as she spoke sweetly.

"Nightwing?"she asked looking at me again.

Jumping up pushing my sunglasses up I walked away slowly.

Leaving Star there alone.

I walked all the way to a small place known as Gwen's to meet with Huntress.

Looking around I already knew she wasn't going to be there yet it was like 1ish.

To much of my surprise it was actually 1:56 and Huntress I mean Bertinelli black was waiting in a thin black dress.

"Hot much?"she said I was confused at first until I noticed I was sweating.

Smiling at her."Sorry I was just in the park it was burning I felt like they were frying me."

"Well I mean it is Summer if I'm correct."she smiled.

Sitting down in the booth as the waitress came around.

"Here you two go."she said handing us two menus.

"So..."she said looking up from her menu.

"So...what?"i said looking up from my menu.

"How're you you know doing? Without Zatanna."she asked looking at me trying to get eye connection me not wanting to look her in the eyes.

"I'm fine."I said looking at my menu again.

"No you aren't you just lost your girlfriend!"she whisper yelled.

"She wasn't my girlfriend!"I yelled as I jumped up."Show her some respect she's dead after all."I said pulling out my wallet leaving a few dollars and a shocked Huntress.


Looking around Steves I could see a girl in a trench coat near the corner.

Walking to her I saw that it was Kitten.

"See you showed up big wing."she said already getting flirty.

"I'm just here so I can arrest you."I said as she looked me up and down.

"Nah you're not one to snitch ain't that right Dick."she said smiling widely making my smile fall.

"How'd you ... You know know?"I asked looking at her.

"Hair ... Oh and this ID quite informing."she said pulling out my ID.

Grabbing my ID she continued."Couldn't have you getting drunk."she smiled.

"How much do you know? Really know."I asked as she looked like she was thinking.

"I do my research Richard."she said grabbing my sun glasses and putting them on herself.

"You know you ca-"she cut me off already knowing what I was gonna say.

"I won't go spreading word that's no fun. Plus nobody likes a snitch."she took a sip of what looked like some soda.

"So can you elaborate on how much you know?"I looked at her as she smiled.

"Richard Grayson both parents ... Gone. Raised by Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth oldest to three other brothers. And you have a major thing going on with your best friend Wally West."

Looking back at her she said one more thing before getting up and leaving."talk to him."

Looking at my phone I saw 12 new messages from Wally.



Dick please!

Listen Dick!

I'm sorry!

What happened with
Zatanna that was that
was something else!

I want you to know

If you want to talk.

Meet me at.

Peter Parkers Pizza.

The one we went to
as kids.

On Friday.

Please Dick hear
me out.

See you then Wally.

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