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(I found-Amber Run)


I heard leafs crumble and then stop I stopped what was I gonna see.

I decided to be safer than sorry.

And used my X-ray device.

What I saw surprised me."Bart?"

I could see he stopped moving for a second probably looking for a way to get out of here fastest.

And before I knew it he was gone.

"BART!!!!"I yelled jumping into the air and starting to fly of course he was faster than me so I had to take some detours.

Out of nowhere I could see Bart hit the ground and stop running.

Getting closer to the ground.

I saw the Yellow and Red of the costume.


Looking for weeks into Bart's disappearance I still had nothing.

Exiting the library I got into my Kid Flash costume so I could stretch my legs around town.

Running I took a break looking up I could see something.

"Dang that's a big bird?"I whispered to myself half questioning if it was even that.

Then I felt a gust of wind whirl in front of me looking towards what had past I saw him it was Bart!

Looking up again I knew exactly who that was I ran at my top speed but even at that i knew I wasn't as fast as Bart.

Stopping to think I knew exactly what I could do to catch up to him.

No way I was losing him again.

I cut as many corner as I could catching up slowly.

Right beside I tackled him to the ground.

Pinning him to the ground I looked straight in his eyes.

"Bart."my voice was weak and hoarse from running my lungs out.

"Wally?"he sounded confused at to why I had done something.

Getting up I grabbed his shirt.

I heard something hit the ground behind me.

"I found him hiding in the woods."I heard the voice of Blue Beetle.

"Thank you."I said catching my breath not letting Bart go.

"We better be getting home Bart you have no clue what's going on do you?"I ask he looks really confused at this point.

Thanking Blue Beetle I left with Bart at me side.


I looked at Bart and Wally as they ran away.


With guilt aside maybe I can focus on more important topics like I don't know me and Cassie's next date.

That was an important topic considering we hadn't had one in the past few months now that I think about it I haven't seen any of my friends in a while.

Since Bart had gone missing but now he's back so now life can go back to normal.



Staring at my spoon in my bowl of cereal just sitting stranded.

In the middle of the milk puddle.

Food didn't look so appetizing anymore than a rubber boot would.

Hearing someone walking in I grabbed my spoon and shoved some cereal in my mouth.

"That looks appetizing babe."I knew it was Barbara who gave a few giggles before wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Want some I've had quite a lot?"I lied I hadn't eaten that much but then again i didn't want it that much.

"Mhmm sound good but I'm kinda in a h-" she was cut off by her phone which started to ring.

She answered and greeted with her usual words ."hello there Barbara Gordon here."


"Oh ... Okay" she said smiling.


"Really?"she now looked worried.


"Yes I'll see what I can do."she looked beyond worried and scared all at the same time she looked like she was on the brig of tears.

She clicked on the end call button.

I opened my arms and hugged her tight she started to weep into my shoulder.

"What is it Babs?"I asked holding so her face was in front of me.

"Uh woul- can- wo- i wa- Uhhh."she said talking gibberish of words being shoved together.

"Can we have the wedding moved to a closer date like maybe I don't know May 20th?"she said like she knew what she wanted.

"Of course Babs." I whispered in her hair.

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