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(A monster-Skillet)

DICKS POV (continued)

"So what if we die we die knowing we tried to save a whole world."i said looking at the now sad looking Wally.

"Wally I promise I'll have your back."I said looking at him smiling.

"Same Dickie same."he said still smiling.

"How cute. Can we get going we don't have all day."looking towards the door I saw Rudy.

"Uh yeah yeah let's go."Wally said bending over a bit as I jumped on his back.

"Wait."Rudy stopped us.

"We need some reinforcements."I looked at him confused.

"Like the league."

"Oh yeah yeah uh where are they anyway."I asked very concerned as to why they weren't here on earth to save these people.

"What do you mean don't you know?"John now asked walking into the room.

"Uh are they not in The Watchtower?"I asked a bit confused to why they wouldn't come to save the day.

"Watchtower that old thing hasn't been working in a while."Rudy said looking to the ceiling.

"Then what are we going to do we sure don't know where they are."I said looking from Rudy to John whose eyes were flashing everywhere trying to grip an idea.

"We don't know either they just disappeared."Rudy said taking a step closer.

"How do we even know, if this place is even real how do we know this place is worth saving."Wally said that and it took all of us aback.

"We could be in a dream or a virtual reality thing or a different dimension or something how do we even know you're real. How do I know what's real."he said looking around in panic.

"Wally Wally calm down it's okay I'm pretty sure I'm real but...."I stopped looking at John and Rudy.

"We're we're real I guess."John said looking to the floor.

"Why don't you two go home to your families we'll take this."I said getting back on Wally.

"No!"John said reaching his hand out.

"Why're you two out here at this time isn't there anyone out there worried you might not make it home? Like any parents?"I asked as they both shifted uncomfortably.

"Our parents. We don't know where THEY are at really."John said looking at the ground.

"Okay well um let's uh fight a war. Two Kids Two ... I don't know."I said wrapping my arms around Wallys neck.

"Let's go."I said as Wally took off.

Hitting he ground as I jumped off of Wally looking straight up at Darksied.

Four against one let's see if we can leave a scratch.

I watched as John flashed hitting Darksied in he knee. Looking as Rudy threw a smoke bomb in Darksieds face making him stumble back.

Now as John and Rudy high fived smiling as Wally ran quickly punching Darksied who now used his vision going quickly after Wally.

Only for one of the Rays to be broken by what looked like a birdarang from Rudy.

Getting it I threw one myself hitting the ray as it disappeared in thin air Wally now at my side.

"Dick, Wally?"we both looked to where the voice had come from.

"Kara?"We asked in unison.

"What're you doing in that costume?"She asked looking to Wally, he looked at her confusion lacing his face.

"What do you mean?"He asked looking up and down his costume.

She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by John."Can we make small talk later?"he asked giving Kara a glare that I had only seen from one other person.

Looking behind her I saw Donna, Kyle, M'gann, Conner, Artemis, Victor, Aqualad, Cassie, Jaime, Bart, Starfire, Raven, Beast boy, Tim, Damian, And many others I didn't know but not the League only Teen Justice.

A few hours had passed and it looked as though Darksied could have been blown down.

Hitting me to the ground I could feel he horrible pain thrashing through my body as Wally now lay beside me.

He looked up towards the sky tearful."I promise you Dick when this is over we'll be together."

"Like?"I asked looking at his head now facing me.

"Yes."he smiled giving me a respected nod.

As the noises of war were heard.

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