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(Waiting on the world-John Mayer)


The movie began as Dick glanced at me and then looked at the screen.


When the movie was done we got up and went to find something to eat.

"So what do you all wanna eat?"Robin asked the whole team.

"Pizza!"Cyborg and Beast Boy said in unison.

"Any other ideas?"Robin looked around at the others "Okay than pizza it is."He gave in after a while of nobody answering.

"So Rob know any good pizza places around here?"I asked I love food any food as long as it's food.

Robin turned to me and spoke "Yeah there's a Peter's Pizza Place near and their pizza is amazing."

*See what I did there AMAZING pizza at PETER'S pizza place. PETER like in PETER PARKER eh and AMAZING like in AMAZING SPIDERMAN eh no okay.

"Cool."I said trying to not let the conversation become dead.

"Here we are."Robin pointed out a red and blue building with big bold letters on it spelling Peter's Pizza Place.

Star and Raven were whispered to each other ignoring what us boys were chatting about.

We went inside to a booth on the left sat Robin next to the wall, Cyborg next to him with Beast Boy on the edge. On the right I sat against the wall with Raven in Raven in the middle and Star on the edge.

"So what's up?"I asked trying to spark a conversation.

Raven and Star stopped whispering and look at me.

"Yes, how was everyone's day been?"Star asked excited.

"I miss this it's like old times Rob, like when we blew up that bathtub and toilet oh and that time we set the Bat Cave on fire or when we saved Sups and how we blew up the whole building you, me, Kaldur, and Sups how I miss those days."I loved to think about those times they comfort me.

Just then a waitress came towards us and handed us small menus then spoke with a tired tone "Welcome to Peter's Pizza Place what would you like to drink."

Star answered first "May I have a Lemonade?"

Then Beast Boy "Uh ... I'll have a Coke."

Next was Raven "I'll have a Mountain Dew."

Cyborg looked up and then spoke "I'll have Canada Dry(Ginger-ale)."

I spoke "Dr . Pepper please."

Last was Robin "Tea."he said flatly.

She wrote these down and walked off.

"Oh the Extra Cheesy Cheeseburger sounds good."I wanted to talk to someone other than the air.

"Yeah it's good until you are stuck with constipation."Robin shot me down from that idea.

"Chicken Soup?"





"Wait Wally were at a pizza place were are you getting these things from?"

Now it was my turn"No."

"What that makes no sense what do you mean No."








"Wallace Rudolph West I will climb over this table."

"Ahhhhhhhhhh. No."Robin gave me a Bat-Glare like look.

The waitress brought our drinks to us and spoke in the same voice "May I take your order?"

Robin being the captain ordered "One cheese, and one peperoni."

She scribbled it on a notepad then walked away again.

After we were done eating the team went in groups to hang out.

Cyborg and Beast Boy went to the zoo.

Star and Raven went somewhere.

Me and Robin went to Mount. Justice to just hang.

We were filling papers out for new recruits the idea came to were the Justice League was combining Young justice and Teen titans they were going to be called Teen Justice.


Same powers as Aqualad.


Uses same things as Batman and Robin


Can fly and changes in size


No special powers


Same powers as Aqualad.


Uses same things as Batman and Robin

I stopped reading "Robin they have you again on here but they made you younger."I said confused.

"No uh well Wally I'm sorta turning into Nightwing."he said like it was obvious.

"Then who's Robin?"I asked so confused now.


I got it now."Oh."

"Yeah let's keep reading."


Exactly like Wonder women

Garth 16

Same powers as Aqualad




Flies, and has Sonic cannons but is a normal boy underneath

"Cool new recruits. When do they come in?" I was sooooo excited.

"Tomorrow."He sounded a bit sad.

So I asked.


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