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(My Valentine Lyrics)


Slowly I started to show up less as the scarlet speedster.

I wanted nothing to do with Hal or any of his business.

Nothing got me out after what happened between me and Hal.

I don't know what was going through my mind at the time.

I was snatched out of my mind by Patty Spivot.

She was a really pretty and a smart independent woman yet she wasn't who or what I was looking for right now and I knew she could never know how I felt.

"So Barry you have the findings on those finger prints I handed over?"she popped a cheesy pun.

But she became silent when the television was turned up to my horror it was a crime and it wasn't just anyone it was the one and only Rag doll.

I watched as the reporters eyes were filled with tears and I was now processing what was going on.

Rag doll was attacking Grand Dynill High school with blood coving the door it spelled out.

Come out come out wherever you are.

This takes the cake.

I snuck past everyone so nobody would see me and when I was sure nobody was watching I flashed home getting to the ring that held my costume so I could get into my Flash costume.

Quickly I flashed into my costume and ran to Grand Dynill High School.

I finally reaching the scene I snuck into the building through the back door and walked around slowly and sneaky.

Looking around the corner I could see the creepy doll and terrified teens and teachers.

All hugging and some weeping inside the library.

"Hahahahahaha."Rag doll screeched maniacally.

Making me cringe.

What happened next was one thing I didn't expect.

Scarecrow, and Star Sapphire came out from behind a few book shelves.

Just perfect now what was I going to do I can't take out 3 villains by myself well not with the combination of them.

Star Sapphire looked up and scratched her head in confusion.

What is it this time?

Looking i could tell something was off.

I just couldn't put his finger on it.

I knew what I had to do.

Cause a distraction and get them to either separate or leave the hostages all alone and slip up.

Finding a cracked tile I grabbed a piece and threw it towards the stairs.

Scarecrow looked at both other villains and sort of sighed before walking over to where I threw the tile piece.

Next I ran to where Scarecrow was using the other way making sure not to pass the library and risk being caught.

Knocking him out I looked in the direction of the library.

I hid his unconscious body behind some rubbish.

I looked back at the library to much of my surprise I couldn't seem to find Rag doll at all he was gone.

The only one there was Star sapphire.

This wasn't going to end well.

I snuck slowly and could hear Star sapphire talking.

"Can you believe my boyfriend left me for what you may ask I don't know probably pretty boy aka scarlet speedster."she said like she might have actually had a clue.

"You mentioned me?"I said coming out of the shadows.

"Ohh if it isn't the scarlet speedster himself."she said smiling widely.

"Figured maybe you'd want to talk face to face well it's you so ... Fist to fist more like."I said making fun of her.

"She aimed a punch at me and I quickly zoomed out of reach.

And again and she gave quite the force.

"I feel like this is personal."I remarked.

She became angered and threw another punch which was quickly turned into a solid pink wall.

Pinning me against the wall I laughed a bit.

She pushed me harder and more forcefully into the wall hurting my spine a bit more.

And more.

I could feel my spine cracking a little that's when a green light pushed the pink one away.

I passed out and woke to see Hal give her her last hit with a wall.

Coming over to me I saw him look a bit sad.

"You okay G-."he cut me off with a hug.

"I'm sorry." I said hugging him tightly not wanting to let go of Hal.

Convincing myself that if I let go he would leave again.

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