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(The man who can't be moved-The script)


Tears filled my eyes as I looked towards a small building I could see Rudy readying himself.

Looking back I could see what he was thinking.

Jumping at the thought I looked back to where he was and saw he wasn't there.

Looking as all I saw was the small cloth of the Robin hit the ground pain pinged me as I felt as though I had lost my own son seeing as a lifeless body hit the ground.

I could feel my heart break as John rushed to Rudys side.

Tears coming from the light cornflower eyes.

As the life drained from Mantis colored eyes.

Tears fell from my eyes as I woke taking in a huge breathe.

Looking around seeing that I was in an alley looking as I heard someone take a huge breathe.

"Wally?"I asked tears still in my eyes.

"I'm here Dick ... Was that real?"he asked as I could feel my self released the tears.

I could feel Wallys warm arms wrap themselves around my shaking body."it's okay Dickie."he said I could hear his shaking voice as I heard him begin to cry as well.

After a few hours I looked around reading a street sign.


Smiling I knew where I was.

2235, 2242, 2259!

Jumping up onto the steps as Wally followed close behind.

"What're we doing?"he asked as I knocked.

"This woman she told me to come to this place."I said waiting for someone to answer the door.

"What 'woman' told you this?"he said trying to look at my face.

"The co-"but I was cut off by the door creeping open.

To see a little boy.

The little boy stayed quiet looking at me and Wally.

"Hello are one of your parents home?"Wally asked as the boy kinda flinched he looked to be 8 or 9.

"Yes my mom is."He said still staring in amazement.

"Can we talk to her?"I asked taking over for Wally who was now looking nervous.

"Um sure let me get her."he said closing the door.

The door opened again and I could see a woman who reminded me of someone but It couldn't be her.

"Dick!"she said surprised.

I jumped."Kate? Is it really you?"I asked eyes almost popping out.

"Yeah uh what happened why'd you come all the way over here for I thought the battle was Downtown?"she said that made me take a big gulp.

"Battle?"I asked fearful that we hadn't left.

"Yes the one going on down town. I think it's still going on you might want to hurry and get all ready and go."she said signaling to my clothes.

I looked down and saw I was covered in dirt and my costume had rips all over it.

"Oh okay thank you Kate ugh see ya!"I said waving jumping down onto Wallys back.

"Come on."I said as we reached the fight in a flash.

The fight surprised me as I saw hero vs villains everywhere all fighting.

Everyone the league, teen justice, and many others who were on their own like Red Arrow.

All fighting the villains like the injustice league and others.

Seeing as some paired off while some teamed up.

Looking around I couldn't help but see the bodies laying flat on the grounds.

No doubt superheroes.

And that meant...

Wally came in his usual yellow and red streak following close behind.

"Let's do this he said jumping in.


Dick hadn't seen such catastrophic event in his whole life this was everything he had ever done x20.

Bart ran around fear this is what he wanted to prevent these events these events are the ones he knew what was going to happened as he searched where was he!

Bart thought as he looked around frustrated as to why he couldn't find him.

Hal created a mallet as he hit the Toyman repeatedly with no success to crack him.

Jumping as a toy frog jumped up at him hitting all things thrown at him.

Making the Toyman furious.

Hal hit the ground as he felt something hit his head hard making it pain as he blacked out.

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