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(Never say never-The Fray)


"Rob whats up."Wally asked he sounded worried.

"Nothing."I said it a little too harsh.

"Come on you can tell me."he looked like he was a little hurt at my tone.

"Okay well were do I begin ... okay so you know when Bruce brought Jason home I didn't mind he was the serious type. When Bruce brought Tim home he was 12 years old now he's only 13 it took him 5 minutes to persuade Bruce that he should be a new sidekick. To be nice I told Bruce I'd change turn into someone new someone who isn't me Nightwing. Now Tims gonna be me well he's gonna be Rob/Robin/Robby any nickname that was given to me isn't special anymore because now there is more than one person can be me, I'm replaceable that's what's up."I let it all pour out.

"Wo Dude are you serious you will always be my little Dickie."he said soothing me.

"What?"I asked why did he say my.

"What you'll always be the one and only Dickie."he said laughing after.

"Whatever, are you going to be here to meet the new recruits?" I didn't want to be alone.

"Anything for the one and only Dickie."He teased.


"You likey my new costume KF."I asked posing in my blue and black costume.

"COOL COSTUME!"He yelled as if I were deft.

"Okay the recruits are going to know me as Nightwing well except for M'gann, Kaldur, Sups, Star, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy oh and of course you too."I said before the zata tube went off.

"Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven,with 10 unidentified guests."the zata tube said.

Wally grabbed my hand and ran slowly, to him he was running slow.

"KF wait."I said but it was too late I was in front of a group of 13-19 year old kids who were staring at me and Wally there eyes were looking at me and Wallys hands I remembered that me and Wally were holding hands I pulled my hand away and walked forward.

"I'm Nightwing I'm going to be your new Leader(for some reason that sounds evil)."I said to the younger kids.

"You can go to any of the other Older members Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and or *cough Kid *cough Flash."

Wally squinted at me and elbowed me in the ribs "I'm Kid Flash fastest boy on earth."

"Oh aren't you Artemis's boyfriend?"A blond girl asked.

He squinted looking at her like he was memorizing what she looked like.

I ended the awkward moment by changing the subject "You guys follow Miss Martian who will give you all a tour I'll catch up soon. I said so I had an excuse to talk to my best friend.

Once I saw them leave out of sight I spoke to Wally "Hey don't be mad how was she supposed to know you and HER broke up a long time ago."

"Fine."was all he said when I heard a call coming in I answered the call.

"Batman."i said as everyone started coming into the room even the recruits.

"We need you all on a mission Spotsmaster broke free. "This was the perfect example to test the new recruits.

"On it."I said then Batman ended the call I turned to the new recruits "This is all of your chances to prove that you have what you need to be on this team. Miss Martian take Wonder girl, Superboy go with Blue beetle, Aqualad take Garth and Lagoon boy, Raven take Aquagirl, Cyborg take Guardian, Starfire take Batgirl, and Wally don't get Bumblebee killed."I said.

"What about me?"Tim asked hurt that I left him out.

"And me?"Garfield asked confused.

"You two are going with me."I didn't want to put them with anyone else well I could've put Garfield with anyone but I didn't because I knew nobody else wanted him he was a misfit but I guess that's how I felt too we had ONE thing in common sort of.

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