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   He's calling out for me, Alfred. He rounds the corner into my bedroom and I see the look upon his face. I recognize it right away, and I wish I couldn't read the meaning behind it.

   "Master Bruce wants you at the cave Master Richard." Alfred's face crinkles in further.

   What could Bruce possibly need from me this morning. He sent Alfred to get me too. The steps down went on forever and the track to the cave even longer. The anxiety was crushing. For one, Bruce wasn't one to be taken lightly, especially when he strapped on his full personality. The one he so cleverly hid as Batman.

   Nonetheless, Bruce requested him. As he rounded the final corner leading to Bruce's computer he pulled in whatever courage he could come up with in order to face the man.
   There sat Bruce in his chair face considering something upon the screen.

   "Bruce you wanted to see me?" it sounded more like a statement when it came off my tongue. I must have looked panicked, my eyes or nose maybe my mouth giving it away. It doesn't matter. Bruce could tell and I could tell that he could tell with that simple knowing scowl.

   "Yes well Green Arrow explained to me that you have been a distraction for Artemis." He messed with a key tapping it over and over then looked back up to me. "Well, have you?" The disbelief and lack of concern practically oozed from him.

   "Well Bruce you see." I could either be straight up or run around it. My eyes slowly made their way to Bruce's face if only I could consider what would be best to say.

   "What?" He asked as if I had just said something that needed clarification and for a second this sent me reeling. Had words made their way past my lips without me knowing?

   "Huh?" My eyes never left his face and suddenly I felt red hot and stupid. Embarrassment filling me up.

   "You didn't finish your sentence." He quirked an eye brow and I had to hold back my sigh of relief.

   "Well Bruce she just well she-. I- She's been acting like she runs the place and like we need to listen to her with whatever whim she has. She doesn't even take into consideration the team, but they don't seem to have anything to say about that and I'm baffled by that fact like they're just soooo ok with doing something because someone tells them to!" I stole a large intake of breath before continuing. "She's not a team player Bruce, but nobody else cares to stand up for themselves except for me. So if I'm a distraction it's because I am willing to say something when everyone else is willing to be just pushed around!"

   A look to Bruce and his face was priceless. Eyebrows drawn up high and mouth slightly agape. His face then softened.

   "In order to resolve this, I think the only fair thing to do is take a vote." Bruce went back to the computer like the concept was clear and meaningless.

   "A vote? For what Bruce?" I walked closer. My brain working in autopilot. Legs moving closer just needing an answer.

   He flinched, probably the closets that he would get to expressing that good old fashioned parenting. "A vote to retain you on Young Justice or to remove you."

   A vote to remove me. The thought was like a shot to the heart delivered from behind like all betrayals were. The vote would take place today.

   The room spun and since Bruce had mentioned the vote the room had yet to stop spinning. KF, M'gann, Aqualad, Artemis, and Superboy. They were all here to vote me out.

   I felt numb at the thought, I was a founding member and here I was being sent on out the door.

   "Okay so today we will be holding a vote you guys have been briefed. We will start by-" There was no way I would stand by and let this all occur without a say.

   There was still strength left in me. Dignity I would not let be ripped from me like this. "I" I just needed the courage. "There is no need for this!" I could hardly believe I was the one speaking. "I resign." What the hell was I doing though? The words tumbled and like a perfect Master Richard I stood tall and feigned confidence.

   Their faces, one of the few things I remembered from that night. Their faces were imprinted in my mind. All dumbfounded, as if they had not pushed me to this decision.

   "ROBIN WAKE UP!" I leapt forward, only to find Beast boy yelling for me while sitting upon the coffee table across.

   "Whaaaaaat." I tried to curl back into myself. Cyborg and Star watched on as if it was the most entertaining thing. To them maybe it was, were they really that bored.

   It was just a dream. "You have the remote?" He picked at his ear. I nodded handing him the square. I needed fresh air.

   As I walked out of the T shaped building I stretched. So much had changed since that day and here it all laid out. Living at the Teen Titans Tower as their leader.

   There was a hole, dread filled it. It was cut out a while back and it only got larger as I kept exposing it. The air pushing past and expanding the metaphorical hole that was home to my dread.

   It had been so long since I had talked to Wally. He used to be my best friend and now I was blatantly ignoring him. 

   Is it possible that we are still friends or had he moved past me. Could be possible have forgotten about me quickly? Maybe he had already pushed away the memories of me. If I'm lucky he's already erased how I was. Met someone else to fill the role of best friend.

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