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(Secondhand serenade-Fall for you)


Deciding to just talk to him in person NOW.

Walking up to Wally's apartment door I looked around the hall before knocking on the door.

I could hear moving around and a few things being pushed around.

Wally opened the door seeing the regret on his face knowing I made him feel this way.

Tears streamed down my face as I threw myself at Wally crying into his shirt sleeve.

"I'm so sorry."I could hear him say before I felt him start to rub my back.

Wally pulled me into his apartment closing the door leaving me on the couch to cry.

I almost thought he wasn't coming back till I saw him with a glass of water.

Sitting beside me as I cried into my hands now.

"It's okay Dickie."he said comfortingly."Dickie why are you crying?"

I looked up confused only to be met with his confused look as well.

"Wh-what do you me-ean"I asked voice shaking along with my body.

"Why are you crying?"I looked into his green eyes.

"Well um where do I begin?"I asked looking at him but having to look away seeing his smile start to fade as he looked away as well.

"At the beginning."he said smile back.

Looking at the ground as I spoke."Everything Wally ugh. Zatannas gone and you didn't even give two sh-"he stopped me mid sentence.

"Zatanna no I-I-I I didn't leave you."he said eyebrows knotting together.

"But you left Zatannas body what was left of her you left that and by doing so you left me!"I screamed.

"Dickie."he said reaching out for me again.

"No I don't even know why I came here."I said standing heading to the door.

"Dick!"I looked back to see what he had to say."I didn't."he said head falling to look at the floor.

"You didn't what."I asked bitterly.

"I didn't leave Zatanna. Well I didn't leave her body."he said sadly.

"You you didn't?"I started to feel horribly guilty for how I was treating him maybe Kitten could be right nah.

"Wally if you had just told me I wouldn't have treated you the way I was."now it was his turn.

"I tried you were ignoring me going on dates with the justice girls."he said looking away.

"Justice girls were way more considerate."I said looking at his expressions.

"Maybe if you would see what a dick you were being."he said looking at me.

"Me being the dick talk for yourself you're the one who seems to be on your period maybe when Artemis left you or maybe when your parents left you."that seemed to be the last straw

"Just go."he said looking away as he pointed to the door I looked to him now guilty.

"Wally I didn't-"but he didn't seem to care."Please don't Wally-"he stopped me.

"Don't."he said hand still pointing at the door.

Grabbing Wallys arm but what he did surprised me as he threw me back into a pile of boxes.

"Just go Dick."he started to walk away but I wouldn't let him.

"Wally."I now grabbed his arm again.

"Leave me alone you Dick!"he yelled flashing away leaving me to soak in pain and misery.

Tears only coming faster and more frequently.

Why would I say that he's right I'm being a dick.

Walking into the nearest bar I saw a familiar face.

Grabbing a beer I sat beside the blonde.

"So how'd it go?"she asked.

"First one question how'd you end up with moth man."I said smiling talking a sip of my beer.

"Ugh he's my dad you know how that is right with Bruce being your dad."I smiled a bit.

"He's not my dad-"she stopped me there.

"Did he raise you for most of your life?"

"Yeah?"I said not knowing where she was going with this.

"Did he care for you?"


"Would he give his life for yours?"

"I guess."

"Than he's your dad."she smiled at me.

A few hundred beers later the room started to move around.

And before I knew it It was dark.

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