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(lifehouse-Hanging by a moment)


Waking up to blazing music making me throw myself up off the couch falling face first into the ground.

"Hey you okay."Wally said starting to crack up pulling out his Clif bar.

"Hahaha Wallace soooooo funny."I said grabbing his Clif bar and taking a huge bite out of it.

Handing it back to him watching as his smile fell but instantly flew back up.

"You won't believe what's in town this month Dickie." He looked genuinely excited.

"What's that Kawalla?"I asked as he looked at me.

"The same Carnival is in town this week."I didn't answer so he kept on talking.

"Come on we HAVE to go. Maybe I can get myself a Dickie bird."He said with a smile.

"Hahaha good luck I hear their like ninjas."I joked as we walked out of his apartment.

"I'll find one trust me."he said as he locked the door behind him.

We laughed about everything as we walked past an empty plot of grass.

We walked into the place to see a huge mechanical bull as it threw people off one by one.

"How long do ya think I can last?"he said jokingly.

"Half a minute."I said looking at him seriously but I ended up breaking down with laughter.

"I bet you could stay on for half of that."he said looking me up and down.

"So 15 seconds."I said taking that into consideration.

"15 seconds."he said now looking at he bull.

"Bet I can stay on longer then you." I said as he looked back at me.

"Deal?"I said as he looked at my hand.

"For what?"he said skeptically.

"I win, you have to give me answers."I said blankly.

"And if I win you buy us some ice cream and we catch up."he said looking at me dreamily.

"Deal."I said putting my hand out again.

"Deal."he said shaking it.

"You go first Wally."I said as he walked closer to get in line as people flew left and right off the bull.

He had turned to me and mouthed the words 'watch this'

He got on the bull throwing his right leg over it.

"Ready?" the man asked.

Watching as the bull buckled and went forward and backward and all way round.

Counting in seconds as Wally was being thrown back and forward.

10, 11, 12, 13.

A few more seconds past by with the bull going wild.

26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Hoping Wally wouldn't make it past a minute.

40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46.

Just as I counted 46 Wally was thrown off the bull hitting the inflated ground.

Wally looked towards me as the crowd cheered and mouthed 'beat that'.

Now my turn I looked up to Wally as I threw my leg over the bull.

'Now you watch this' I mouthed as the bull started.

Quickly the speed started to pick up till the bull was buckling backwards, forward, as well as side to side.

Everyone stared in awe as I was thrown off to the plush ground.

While Wally pouted.

Getting up cheers were heard from all around.

Looking towards the timer I could see that it read _3:17:41 meaning I had stayed on for 3 minutes.

Walking best I could I heard the announcer say something about a prize and before I knew it there was a small stuffed animal bird in my hand.

Looking at Wally I laughed and brought the little bird next to my head so he could see it.

I walked to him."Here's your Dickie bird."I said as I handed him he small bird.

"Hey Ducky how you doing?"he said as he looked at the animals eyes.

"Well he likes the name."Wally said looking at me I looked back at him like he was crazy.

"He said you know too much and have to go."Wally said with the best serious face that he could make.

I burst out laughing."Nah me and Ducky here, best friends isn't that right? Oh what's that give Wally a souvenir. Well little innocent Ducky sorry to say but you're gonna have to live with Wally. What's that you're gonna run away. I would too."Wally hit my arm as I laughed.

Rolling his eyes."Suuurrree you're one to talk Dickie."

"Awe whatever Kawalla."I laughed.

"Awe bite me."he said bluntly and then broke out laughing.

"Maybe later big boy."I laughed as we both went into a fit of laughter.

I was doing what I thought was impossible.

I'm falling even more in love with Wally West.

Hope you all love the new cover if you knew what it looked like before.

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