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Waiting for Barbara to show up in her gown and walk down that aisle.

I looked at everyone who had shown up Bruce, Jason, Tim, Commissioner Gordon, Damian, Alfred, of course.

A few citizen obviously there were some of my friends Star, Raven, Garfield, M'gann, Conner, and everyone else from Teen Justice.

I could see Barry, Hal, Still no Bart, I looked trying to find Wally.

He was no where to be seen there's no way my best friend was missing my Wedding.

Looking around for Wally probably made me look crazy.

Still no sign he was here my eyes grazed over he tons of people.

I could hear the music start to play signaling the start of the wedding.

My head jerked towards the doors.

As the big double doors opened to reveal Commissioner Gordon and Barbara as she started to walk forward down the aisle with Commissioner Gordon at her side she really did look beautiful in her gown.

As she neared I started to panic what am I doing marring my friend is a stupid idea why would I put her through this why didn't I see this before.

Now in front of me with loving eyes she smiled making me feel better about this.

I looked up once more to look for Wally he was still not there.

I turned to look at Barbara as the priest started to speak.

Eye to eye I couldn't stop thinking about what will happen to Wally will he hurt himself knowing he could never have me or worse will he kill himself.

No I've never know. Wally to be a self harm type of person he is too up beat and happy with everything.

I hope he can get over me and be happier with somebody better.

I know he will he is a strong person.

I look back to Barbara who is looking over joy with happiness and smile.

I truly love her and I did fall in love with Wally but like someone once said,"We should love not fall in love because everything that falls gets broken."

I looked in the crowd of people to see if Wally was there.

No luck.

Looking back I could hear the priest reaching the end.

"Barbara Gordon do you take Richard Grayson to be your husband?"the priest asked as eyes when to her.

"I do."she said all eyes now shifting to me.

"Richard Grayson do you take Barbara Gordon to be your wife?"I looked at her eager eyes.

Taking a peak to the crowd one last time to see Wally with caring eyes.

I can't do this anymore

"I do."

Just playing April fools guys and girls

So I understand that's not exactly what the priest is supposed to say but I whipped this up so y'all could have something.

I'm gonna update tomorrow so y'all don't think it's an April fools thing too

Don't forget this is just a joke it's not for real.

R.I.P. Fred Weasly

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