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(Cool for the summer-Demi Lovato)


Everyone was in the lounge area now as Cassie spoke to the people who hadn't gone home already "lets play truth or dare."a small smile came across her face.

Everyone agreed meaning Arsenal, Robin, Nightwing, Kid Flash, Superboy, M'gann, BB, Blue beetle, Wondergirl, and Me.

"So were going to go in Alphabetical order super hero names. So Arsenal, Beast boy, Blue beetle, Impulse, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Nightwing, Robin, Superboy, and Me, So go ahead Barbra."

Nightwing went to the couch and laid down closing his eyes to sleep.

"Okay ... beast boy ... Truth or Dare."Arsenal asked thinking about what he was going to do.

"Dare."Beast boy said sounding ready.

"Okay I Dare you to kiss Wolf."Arsenal said happily.

"Oh I should've choose Truth."he said getting up to go to Wolf."Ah NO DONT KILL ME!!!!!!"Beast boy yelled running away from Wolf.

Beast boy transformed into a bird flying high above us."Okay Blue beetle Truth or Dare?"Beast boy asked.

"Truth."he said trying to breathe since he was laughing so hard.

"Okay what is your #1 pet peeve."He had a huge smile.

"Well."I crunched on a chicken whizee "when people steal my stuff." I crunched on another chicken whizee when Jamie looked at me and his smile fell."Hermano Truthor Dare?"

"Truth." I said crunching on another chicken whizee.

"Okay where did you get those from hermano?"

Now I spoke "Somewhere around here."I said confused at what he was asking.

"Did you find those in a locker?"

"Yeah how did you oh, sorry I didn't know."I had stolen his chicken whizees.

"It's fine you can keep them."he said so I took advantage of the moment and speed to eat them everyone started laughing.

"Okay so Wa-Kid Flash save."I said like I had succeed in a new game."Okay Truth or Dare?"

"Dare."he said with a ready face.

"Okay I dare you to kiss the closest person to you in the next 10 seconds."

Wallys jaw dropped."Fine 1." Everyone ran away."2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10."he walked then noticed Dick and sighed.

Everyone noticed and popped out of everywhere to watch.

Wally shook the sleeping bird."Dickie."he whispered so only he could hear but I heard.

Nightwing woke and saw Wally "What Wal-hey guys."he siad now noticing everyone.

"Uh Nighty I sort of have a dare and well ..." he trailed off causing Dicks smile to fade as he proped himself up with his elbows.

"What KF?"He asked confused.

"Kid Flash has to kiss you."Cassie said.

"Oh KF what have you got yourself into this time."he asked putting his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose.

"Did we mention it is a Dare."Cassie said getting inpatient.

"Then why do you all want to watch perverse.'' He said looking at everyone who ended up turning around I speed to get a camera.


I scooted on to one edge of the couch with Wally on the other I could read his eyes saying sorry.

I felt bad for him then mad then happy then confused I looked at everyone staring at me and Wally.

"Did we mention it is a Dare?"Cassie said getting impatient.

"Then why do you all want to watch perverse."I said eyeing everyone ended up turning around I turned to Wally.

After a few minutes Wally leaned in towards me and connected our lips I stood there realizing what was going on I then kissed back to much of my surprise Wally was an amazing kisser it must have been some time to me it seemed like time had slowed down to were I barely noticed that Bart had a camera I pulled back and jumped off the couch running after Bart screaming. "YOU LITTLE PIECE OF S**T BART!"everyone looking at me chasing the speedster.

I wasn't paying attention I heard another set of running and then the zeta tube say "Kid Flash."

I slowed and put my eyes in my hands replaying what just happened I just kissed My Best Friend.

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