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(How far we've come-Matchbox 20)


Looking at he blood puddle that was left on the ground where Kitten had landed no proof she was even there.

Looking around there was nothing no blood trails or anything just the big blood puddle.

Tears ran down my face fearful wondering what had happened to Kitten where was she?

So many questions like where was she, was she okay, was she dead ?

Questions I wanted to be answered.

But one question I wanted answered now and here.

Who dared do this to Kitten one thing was obvious whomever did this did the same to Zatanna.

And they were going to pay.

Standing up covered in Kittens blood.

They weren't getting away.

Running to the top of the building I looked around nothing but blood and what looked like metal.

No it was a katana, the katana used to stab Kitten.

Grabbing the katana and looking at it holding the handle I only needed to swab for fingerprints.

Lucky I was wearing my gloves.

But what happened next wasn't luck as I heard sirens from below.

And heard the door behind me bust open.

Two cops pointing guns at me."Drop the weapon!"the guy one yelled as the woman maybe in her early 30s looked like she was horrified.

"Maggie get the handcuffs!"he yelled as the one known as Maggie flinched.

"I can't my son looks up to this guy."she said signaling towards me.

"So what!"he yelled as I started to back up." Stay put!"he yelled making me jump as I slipped now grasping onto the edge of building.

"Sir stay put."Maggie ran and grabbed my arm trying to pull me up.

"Maggie don't he could be armed!"the guy yelled again.

"You're not going to hurt me are you."Maggie whispered.

I looked at her I could feel the sorrow as I saw what I had to do.

"2259 Calibre."she said as I yanked her from the building.

"Maggie!!!!!"I could here the guy yell.

I could hear people screaming.

Closeting my eyes I grabbed Maggie and pulled out my grappling hook.

Opening my eyes I looked around things looked strange.

As I hit the ground feet first.

Walking into the street I got hit falling over looking to who tripped me I saw Wally in his Kid flash costume.

"Listen KF-"but I stopped as I saw his eyes."You're not KF."I said looking up and down."who are you?"I asked looking up and down.

"I'm Kid flash."he said confused.

"No you're not Wally."I said looking at him.

He looked terrified."how do you know who Wally is?"he asked holding me against a wall.

"Because he's my best friend."I said trying not to yell as he let me down."where's he!"I said panicky.

"Who are you?"he asked looking up and down.

"I'm Nightwing."I said annoyed.

"Hahaha no you're not."he said this made me mad.

"Why're you wearing Wally's suit."I said annoyance showing.

"Because he's not Kid flash he's The Flash."he said.

And then I did something I knew I shouldn't ever do but I rolled the dice"I'm Dick, Dick Grayson."I said putting my hand out.

He hesitated for a few seconds before talking "Names John."he said holding his hand out suspicion on his face.

We shook as a boy in a Robin costume flew down.

"Damian?!"I asked as I looked at the black haired boy.

He looked at me confusion covering his features like he didn't trust me.

"No that's Rudy."John said as he looked to Rudy.

"Johnny no no no you don't know this guy."he said grabbing Johns arm pulling him towards him and reaching towards his utility belt but not moving.

"Remember that story?"he said looking at Rudy.

"What?"he asked as he looked at John in confusion.

"This is Richard Grayson."he said I just looked confused.

"Ohhhhhhh."he said as he put his hand down.

"What?"I asked confused.

"Nothing." they said in unison.

"Where am I where's Wally?"I asked very annoyed.

"Nowhere!"they once again said in unison.

Just then a portal thing opened up above me as Wally fell through.

"Wally."I asked not blinking once but relief filling me as to see a familiar face again.

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