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(This is not the end-Bravery)


   Robin was still there when I woke up. Still unconscious, but at least cleaned up and bandaged. The elevator must have woken me up as I heard it ring a few times coming to the floor that held the medbay.

   With one more ding the doors must have finally reached the floor, the sliding unmistakeable. Robin must have heard it too because he opened his eyes tiredly and glanced over at me. He didn't look like he was mad at me anymore but he looked grateful that I was there at that time to help him. Anger was drown out by usefulness it appeared.

  Robin and I took the time till the others arrived to  catch up a little with each other.

   His mouth dropped and every word played out. As if testing them all out first before finding the right one and settling upon it. "Wally I just wanted you to know it was really stupid of me to ignore you." He nodded to himself, "oh and this isn't the end of us Wally. Though I think you know that."

   As date had it before I could even get a single word out the doors to the medbay burst open. There it revealed a girl in a green suit who was no doubt the one and only Artemis. She saw me and gave a scowl. I diverted my eyes avoiding her glare. Ignoring the eyes that fell to Robin before she spoke to me.

   "Let's go KF." Artemis said obviously angry.

   Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast boy appeared in the door way behind Artemis. I should just start selling tickets to these things. Free viewing was making my stomach drop and roll.

   "YOU don't call him KF!" Robin grumbled. Oh great a stand off.

   "Your right come on BABE."Artemis fluttered her eyelashes at Robin. Oh goodness

"Get out of my tower Artemis you can take KF if you want just GET OUT."Robin said through grinding teeth trying his hardest not to yell.

"Okay come on BABE."Artemis said all arrogant like.

"Um Arty can't I just stay for some time I mean it's not like we have some big mission to be at right now."I said trying not to get her mad.

"COME ON BABE LET'S GO!"Artemis said now through grinding teeth.

I turned to Robin and gave him a sorry face and turned to a now ragging Artemis.

"Bye then I guess .... bye Rob."I said giving in I knew that if I said no she would find a way to get me back for embarrassing her in front of the whole Teen Titans team.

"Bye then KF."Robin said turning to face the wall and sleep.

I turned and Artemis grabbed my hand nearly dragging me to the elevator and out of the tower.

I walked out of the tower that was when I got what I knew from the very beginning was coming to me Artemis started the fight.

"What do you think you were doing?"Artemis asked angrily.

"I was trying to hang out with my best friend is something wrong with that?"I asked acting confused even though I knew the reason.

"You know I don't get along well with Robin Babe."she said rapping her arms around my neck.

I was speechless I just looked at my feet instead of saying anything Artemis broke the silence."Come on let's get home I made your favorite chicken pot pie with a chocolate pie."she said trying to comfort me.

"Okay im tired Arty."I said trying to get away from the subject of Robin. I wish we could all be friends and get along.

We got home and I decided I should get the mail

I went to get the mail and I opened the lid to find 2 letters one was for me the other was wrote to Arty.

I ran at an average speed and I handed Arty her letter and went to open mine.

Dear Wally West

Meet the JL at Mt. Justice

for a test of how you use your powers when
put under pressure. The following will be

-Miss Martian
-Super Boy
-Aqua Lad(one from Teen titans)
-Beast Boy
-and others

We hope you can make.

-Justice League

Cool a test of the ability we have this should be cool but I looked again to see that the bird wasn't on the list I really wish he was but I knew if he went Arty wouldn't.

She already didn't want to be superheroes anymore so who says I wanna push her pat that limit.

Too bad this won't be like a reunion that would make me happy to see Robin not mad not sad not disappointed but smiling again.

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