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(Toy soldier-Martika)


At the party Commissioner Gordon had set up I knew Dick would be there.

I had only come promising Selena Heldago that I'd introduce her to Dick.

Background is Selena had known Iris when she was alive she was Irises favorite student to teach in the arts of being a photojournalist.

She was a good friend always was there at the best moments.

"Look Wally it's Richard Grayson and look he's here with his fiancé Barbara Gordon!"she said squealing in excitement.

"Uh-huh."I was barely listening I was more distracted by the fact that ... Dick was engaged ... and to Barbara.

"Wally are you listening to a word I'm saying?"she asked confused and a bit agitated.

"What huh no no sorry I was just ... Uh so what were you saying Selen?" I felt horrible I was now getting lost in my mind.

"I said can you introduce us now?" I was ready to answer her question when I saw Artemis on the dance floor.

"Wait a sec." I walked to Artemis I wanted to apologize for the way i acted towards her.

She noticed and met me halfway.

"What is it Wally?" she asked sounding irritated by my presence.

"Lets dance." I said holding her waist and her hand I didn't want her to be mad at me. Anger is a horrible thing and it doesn't create it destroys.

I lost enough when I lost Dick then I lost Bart and I definitely wasn't planning on losing another soon.

We danced talking every now and then we broke off and went our separate ways biding each other a goodbye wave.

I got back to Selena who was flirting with some random guy in a red and black jacket with shades on along with black mohawk sorta hair.

So it was no surprise that she got annoyed when I came over.

"Now or never."I said and they both noticed I was there.

He handed her his number and walked off leaving me and her.

"You ready to go introduce us?"she asked a little less agitated.

"Ready as I'll ever be."I said taking a big intake on air filling my lungs.

"Okay let's go."she said grabbing my hand so we wouldn't get lost among the crowd of people surrounding Dick and Barbara.

A long series of ,"Excuse me." And ,"Pardon me." Was exchanged between the crowd of people.

We got up to where Dick and Barbara's guards were.

Selena showed them her pass of I don't know what and they let us on pass.

I walked head down walking a little behind Selena.

I heard a gasp looking up I already knew who it would be.

Barbara and Selena looking worriedly at Dick.

Eye wide Dick was starting straight at me.

"Wally." Selena whispered.

"Yes?"I said going along with the whispers.

"You said you know Richard Grayson uh you never told me how you knew him." She added a bit concerned.

She now turned and walked up talking with Barbara.

Leaving me and Dick alone.

"Hey." I said now talking to Dick.

He cleared his throat and caught his breathe opening and closing his mouth trying to come up with something to say.

He finally spoke up killing the awkwardness ,"Wally?" He asked almost like he couldn't tell if it was really me.

"Dick I ... I ... I think this party is really good man you know it was good seeing you again but I have to get going." I said a bit sad that he didn't try to stop me.

"See you later Selena."I said trying to buy time for Dick to say something to get me to stay.

I turned and walked back into the crowd full of people I looked back and saw Dick he looked like he was thinking hard.

Exiting the building I saw Bruce laying on the building.

"Kinda figured you'd be here kid."he said not looking at me.

"Just introducing my friend Selena to the "famous" Richard Grayson."I said making the word famous plainly obvious.

I looked back to see Bruce was gone.

Looking around nobody.

I turned on my heel and ran on home I needed the sleep if anything.

I was gonna find Bart.

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