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(Photograph-Ed Sheeran)


I packed my stuff in a large duffle bag and zipped it all the way up.

"You sure you wanna do this babe?" Cassie asked stringing her arms around my neck.

This was one of her attempts to get me to stay she didn't want me out in the danger like our jobs hadn't been dangerous enough.

"Cass you know how much this means to everyone. And think about how Barry, Hal, and Wally must feel about this all."

"Okay go help them I want you to know that I love you and how you're always being so thoughtful of others. I Love you Babe."she said turning me around and connecting our lips.

We pulled apart."love you too Cass I'll try to find him as quickly as possible."

Walking back into the house I saw my mom in the kitchen preparing dinner for tonight.

I walked up to her and gave her a hug from behind making her flinch and reached for her chancla.

"It's me its me don't attack!"I laughed as my mom started to yell at me.

"Ay don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack!"she started to yell at me.

"I gotta get going ma."I said hugging her tightly.

"Mi hijo you've grown so much you care so much Es muy hermoso."she said I could see tears forming from her eyes.

"Thank you."I said I caught a glimpse of Maria closing her door slowly.

Giving my mom one more hug I walked up and towards the door.

And went to

I walked to the door and knocked once.

No answer.

I knocked a second time.

No answer.

"Maria?" I whispered.

I could hear weeping from the other side of the door.

I creaked the door open a bit to see in.

"Are you okay Mari?"I asked she quickly picked her face up and wiped the tears that were falling down her face away and looked me in the eyes.

"Jams I want you make me a promise." she said looking like she was trying her hardest not to burst out.

"What is it Mari you can tell me."I said looking at her wanting to know what was wrong.

"Jams pr-promise me you won't get h-hurt." she said with puppy dog eyes making me feel bad that I couldn't make that promise.

"Mari."I started but looked at her eyes and knew what I had to do."I'll get him home safe."

She hugged me tightly and spoke "thank you Jams."

I bet Mari was going through that faze of liking my friends.

I walked to the door and looked back." Can you tell dad I'll be home in 4 weeks?"

"Bye Mari."

I walked out the front door and towards a bunch of trees and changed into my Blue Beetle costume.

Flying away from my house not wanting to look back knowing if I did I would go back.

2 weeks later


Getting back from my daily run around the town.

I needed to put my powers to use or I would go crazy.

Or who knows what.

I felt really bad for putting Barry, Hal, Wally, and those who cared through this I just uh I just needed my time.

Time away from the team away from Cassie away from Jaime away from all the noises and lies.

Time to myself to think to realize that me coming to the past was a stupid idea.

I should've stayed not like I'm treated any different than I was there.

The only difference is I have parents.

I have loved ones I have ones who care.

But I don't belong here not in this time frame or any of this none of it feels good.

Walking in the woods was my favorite thing to do giving me time to think.

Hearing a whisper makes me jump behind a tree.

"Bart you in here?"a voice says Jaime's voice.

I kept quiet not wanting him to know I was here not wanting him to find me any one but him.

I could hear movements and crunching of leafs near by where I was standing.


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