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(Coming back-Dean Ray)



I haven't talked to Wally in so long I miss his voice his eyes I miss him my best friend it was like the time he got amnesia and when he forgot who I was it killed me on the inside to break up with Star it hurt me to know that I hurt her.

I walked around Gotham when I had time to myself trying to clear my mind of all the thoughts then out of nowhere I heard a thud in front of me i looked up to see Barbra in her Batgirl costume I smiled a little looking at my soon to be wife.

Over the year of loneliness Bruce and Commissioner Gordon planed a arranged marriage.

I surely didn't like the idea of me and my other best friend aka Barbra getting married but I knew that I had no choice she and her dad choose everything and I sat and stared out of a window.

"Hey Dickerson!"she almost yelled.

"Barbra you're in costume!"she looked down then disappeared I turned knowing she was going to the Batcave.

I walked thinking about everything that has happened this past year I dated and broke up with Star I kissed and fell for my best friend Wally and I became engaged to one of my best friends oh I'm gonna get a headache one of these days.

I got to the front steps and got into the manor where I found Damian getting after Tim and Jason for who knows what I saw Stephenie sitting on the couch reading a book.

They looked at me and I just walked on past them to find Barbra in a dress.

"Ready to go Dick?"I totally forgot me and Barbra were going to a party being held by the commissioner himself.

"Let me get dressed I'll be right down."I said running up the stairs to my room.

I sat down in a chair next to my desk.

The wedding was going to take place October 26 of the new year.

I brought my hands up rubbing my eyes to clear all the thoughts so I could get dressed.

When I was done I looked in the mirror, what happened to me and Wally were so close I can't believe I lost him what changed oh it's all my fault if I hadn't kissed him and I was cheating on Star too then I had to break her heart I am probably the worst friend on the face of the planet.

I got up walking to the door slowly I knew everyone was waiting for me I went down the stairs as slow as I could.

I opened the front door to see a limo with Alfred in the driver seat I closed the door and got to the limo I opened the door Tim looked at me and smiled."What took you so long I could have ran around the world 10 times!"he joked but it wasn't funny it reminded me of Wally.

I sat next to Barbra as Alfred started to drive.

The whole ride I couldn't help but think of what Wally was doing right now compared to what I was doing he was probably happy, maybe even forgot about me when I knew I wasn't going to forget him that easily.

The limo screeched to a stop in front of a large building and we all got out Barbra got out and put her hand in mine.

She walked dragging me a bit I really didn't want to be here.

We got in and she started to introduced me to most of her relatives.

I saw people on the dance floor and Barbra turned to me and opened her mouth to speak but I stopped her knowing she would ask to dance."I'm going to the restroom be back soon."and to sweeten the deal I added."babe."

That was only one reason why I left to the restroom the other reason I left to the restroom was because I saw Artemis and she was dancing with the one who crushed me Wally.

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