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(Little lion man-Mumford and son)


Looking down at the ground from this height made everything seem so small.

It made everything painful disappear.

The metallic taste of blood coming out of my mouth as I started to fall.

This was it this was the end.

All the pain was going to go away soon I was going away soon.

And nobody could save me.



Laughing at Kitten as she fell off her bed."Falling for me already are you?"

Rolling her eyes as she spoke getting up."Yeah whatever I'm not clinging."she looked up and down checking me out."Not to You anyway."making me pout.

"Why you no love me."I said squeezing her in a hug.

"Because you're always trying to suffocate me with your hugs."she said trying to pull her body away from me.

"Because you're my Kitten."I said petting her head to annoy her.

"Stop no I just fixed that mess."she paused for a short while before speaking again."hmmmm you know what I want?"she asked falling back onto her bed and petting her hair down slowly.

"No."I stated as she rolled her eyes again."what then?"

""Something sweet like cake oh oh Vanilla sponge cake oh, Dick?"she spoke stretching my name out.

"Yes."I said looking at her happy.

"I want cake."she said bringing out her best puppy dog eyes.

"Vanilla sponge cake?"I asked to make sure.

"YESSSSSSS."she said a smile now playing on her face.

"Then make one."I said now smiling but my smile fell as I saw Kittens smile get bigger.

"Okay ,but you have to help."she said smile not fading.

"Fine but if it turns to shit I'm not eating it."I said pointing a finger towards a hair tie.

( I'm so sorry if you call it something different I don't even call it a hair tie but most people do so ... This was pointless. )

"Meet me in the kitchen when you're ready, I'll get the ingredients."I said walking into the kitchen and washing my hands.

Opening a large pantry I found some vanilla extract, flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar.

Grabbing the sugar I turned around to see Kitten sitting in a chair staring at me pull things out.

"Ready?"I asked and she nodded.

"Then get the milk and eggs lazy ass."I started to grab what there was of the measuring cups and spoons.

Looking back at the table she was now rummaging through some drawers pulling out some other things out.

She soon turned to preheat her oven.

Turning back to me with a bowl."let's do this."
She said washing her hands in the sink.

"Okay give me the vanilla extract, sugar, and eggs."I said adding everything except the eggs.


"Okay the big reveal I'm worried I might have added a little too much salt but too bad."

"Omg this is delicious then again I haven't had this in a while so this could taste like crap in reality."Kitten said putting her fork down.

"I've got to go."I said listening to the head communication.

"Oh okay see ya later Dick."she said but stopped."you'll come back later right I don't wanna eat all this cake by myself."she said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course Kitten I won't leave you hanging I'll come back as soon as I'm done."I said if I had know what was going to happen next I would have stayed.

Coming back from the mission as I reached the top of the stairs I could already see that kittens door was wide open.

Panic filled my whole body as I ran into her apartment, room after room she was nowhere."KITTEN!?"I yelled afraid.

"Calm down Dick calm down just call her."I reassured myself.

"Call."I clicked it and waited.

Nothing just ringing.

"Maybe she forgot her phone.

Calling again this time listening for her phone.


Picking her phone up only to see a note below which read.

'Looking for your precious Kitten?
2506, Canyon st.

-Your old friend'

Panic filling my mind and body someone had Kitten.


Running to 2506 Canyon I was horrified to see Kitten on the top of a building with tape and rope on her.

I could see someone rip off the tape and I saw it I saw blood start to drip from between her lips.

( That sounds strange )

Taking a step forward was a mistake as I stated in pain and horror at Kittens falling body.

No please not again.

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