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(Hey you-Pink Floyd)


I walked into the TV room to find Kid Flash and Robin laughing while playing video games. Without looking at each other they did a fist bump which caused me to giggle. Robin and Kid Flash turned around to see me smiling and sighed in relief of it just being me.

"Do you wish to watch the movie at the theater/theatre(however you want to call it)?"I asked Robin.

"Of course come KF lets inform the team."he said not noticing that I was asking him only.

"Okay see yah."I said not wanting to be rude and say no to everyone coming along.

This was going to be a long day.


I walked over to Beast boy's door and knocked "Hey Beast boy were going to the movies wanna come?"I asked excited.

"Sure?"he said obviously confused by something I wasn't going to put too much though in to it.

I than walked to Cyborgs door and knocked "Hey Victor-y were going to the movies wanna come?"

"Why not."he said tired.

I than tiptoed to Ravens door and knocked.

"Hey ... Rav wanna go to the movies with us?"


"Come KF we shall prepare."I whispered.

"Okay whatever."


PS they are dressed in their civilian clothes Robin has his Sunglasses on.

We took our seats KF sat on my right while Star sat on my left next to her was Raven next to KF was Cyborg and Beast Boy.

"Anyone want snacks?"I asked.

There were a few "yeahs"

"I'll go get 3 popcorns,and 6 sodas Wals anything else?"

Wally raised his hand.

"What Wals?"I asked mentally preparing myself for a essay of a list.

"Kit Kats, Rolos, Snickers Reeses Peanut Butter Cups oh don't forget Butterfi-"I cut him short.

"Maybe you should come with me if you want that stuff."I was not going to write all that stuff down.

"Okay."he said getting up from his seat.

We walked side by side when I heard something.

"Dude."Wally whispered

"What Wals what's up?"I asked confused

"Maddie."he said as though I was going to get what he meant.

"What about Maddie?"I was so confused about what he was asking me.

"Do you ... you know like her?"he asked awkwardly.

"Well she's pretty, but she's like one of my good friends."I said plainly.

"Well this was supposed to be a date for you and her. She asked you to come you sort of invited everyone else."he said like it took him time to think about his words.

"Oh."that was all I could think of to say I kept walking not stopping.

"Dude I'm not really hungry you don't have to buy more than you need I just needed a distraction to talk to you."


"Listen you haven't seen any gals have you? I mean there plenty of girls like Babs, Zatanna, and St- I mean Maddie you should get yourself a gal."he said trying to give me motivation.

"I don't know."I said putting my mind to think of any reason why not to date one of them.

We approached the man at the concession stand.

Wally stood next to me as I ordered "Two medium popcorns and one large, plus six sodas."I said pulling out my wallet to find a Twenty and a ten.

"That will be Twenty five dollars and fifty two cents."he clarified holding his hand out to get the money. After handing him my money he handed me my change and gave me the popcorns and sodas.

I turned handed Wally a thing of sodas and our popcorn.

"Hold this don't eat or drink that too fast I want popcorn too you know and we're not going back."I said watching Wally turn his head slowly towards me.

A big pout came on his face.

"I should have gotten a XXL soda if I knew we weren't going back."he definitely was not joking when it came to food.

"Yeah Wals looks like no more Buttery, Salty, Crunchy-"Wally cut me off.

"I get it Rob."he was dieing on the inside you could tell.

I scurried past people to get to my seat with Wally following close behind.

The opening credits came on showing the title "The Conjuring."

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