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(For the first time-The script)



I laid in by bed face hidden in my pillow.

I could hear the door crack open and someone walk in.

"Hey why don't you get your lazy ass up and stop moping."I heard Jason say making me hate that I knew they were desperate.

"Mhhhhhhhhhhh."I kept my face pressed into the pillow.

"Ahhhhh get up we're going somewhere so you can stop it with your lame ass excuses."

I picked my head up to speak."Fiiiiiinnnnneeee but get out so I can get dressed!"I said getting up and pushing Jason out.

"Be quick it's already 8!"he said as I closed the door.

Looking through my closet and chose something just casual.

Pulling out my favorite pair of khakis and a black button up I put them on and looked into the mirror.

Today's my day I need to stop thinking about Wally so much it's not like he's out there worrying about how I doing.

I grabbed my black socks and slid them on and slid my black shoes over them.

I opened my phone 'No new messages' flashed across the screen.

Closing my phone I heard a knock at my door.

Getting up I opened it to see Jason who was ready and looked a bit bored.

"Ready?"he asked and that's when I realized I had no clue where we were going.

"Jason."I looked at him confused.

"Yes Dick?"he asked as I followed close behind him.

"Where is it we're going?"I asked as he giggled a bit catching me off guard.

"You'll see."he added only scaring me more.


Giving a guy a shot of tequila.

Turning and giving the next couple of people beers, tequila, vodka, red wine, waters, and many other assorts of beverages.

Turning to the next guy my heart dropped into my stomach leaving me speechless.

"May I help you?"I asked the words came out so soft I could barely hear myself.

"Uh yeah can you get me and my bro here two beers."The guy with the white in his hair said.

"Hey uh you gonna get us our beers or you gonna sit there and stare?"he added pretty harshly.

Looking away I went to grab two beers I barley  realized I was staring I was caught in those diamonds I couldn't help but stare.

"Here you two go." I said popping the caps off and handing them over.

"Thank you ...?"he stopped I opened my mouth to answer but was cut off.

"Hey Jay why'd you bring me here of all places?" I turned.

A few hours later I saw the guy with the white in his hair start to lean sideways.

He got into a fight and totally beat the guy up before the guys friends could get a hold of him I jumped in and pulled the guy with the white in his hair who was putting up quite the fight outside.

I heard the back door slam for a second time signaling that someone had come out after me.

"Hey I saw you took him just came to help?" He asked for permission to help it was his brother we were talking about right?

"Yeah."I said as he picked the guy with the white in his hair up.

"So who's this?" I asked looking back to him.

"That's Jason."he said laughing a bit.

"Oh I couldn't tell with the white in his hair now. Wait I thought Jason was dead!?"I looked back at Dick confused.

"Am I supposed to know?"he laughed.

Just then a girl walked by causing Jason to rip from my grip walking up to her and leaving us alone.

"Well there goes my ride."he said laughing a bit. "You think we can ... hang at your place I really don't wanna go back there. Not yet at least."

"Sure come on."I said as Dick jumped on my back.

Running back to my small apartment building I went to grab a snack.

"See you haven't changed much except maybe where you live."he said looking around in amazement.

Chewing on a Clif bar I threw the rapper into the almost full trash can.

Showing himself around he came back to the kitchen.

"Want some I saw you giving yours away."I said pulling out a beer.

"Sure Wallace."He said sitting on the chair across from mine.

"So how're you doing."I asked turning around handing Dick a beer.

"Not to well actually. You?" He said looking down at the table.

Staying quiet for a while I looked back at him."I missed you."

His head came up.

"Me too Kawalla."I looked at him with a face that was happy he remembered but pissed he remembered he began to laugh.

"Ahhhh Duckie I bet."I said joining into his laughter when he gave the same sheepish smile.

"Oh just like old times remember when we blew up that toilet?"Dick smiled.

"Oh my we got in soooooo much trouble when Batman found out!"I smiled feeling tears start to form.

"Good times." His smile fell as I could see tears start to form at the edges of his eyes.

"Dickie?" I asked.

"It's just. I'm fine."he laughed getting up and laying on the couch.

"I'll sleep here good night." He said as I frowned.

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