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(One last time-Ariana Grande)


Game after game of football it was the eighth game everyone playing football so I decided to just sit this game out I sat fetal position on the grass looking to the clouds.

I heard a familiar hump and saw someone had sat next to me looking I saw Wally.

Laying looking at the sky he spoke."Are you ready Dickie?"he asked not looking at my face

"Ready for what Wally?"I asked but I knew what he was asking.

"Ready to marry Barbara?"he didn't make any eye contact with me through his words.

"Ump."I said without realizing it.

"What's wrong Dickie?"he said finally looking at me.

Opening my mouth to speak I closed it not really knowing what to say."Wally it's just that I-" before I could finish I heard steps coming towards me and Wally.

Looking I saw the guys laughing and pushing each other just having fun.

"Hey Grayson look at this!"Damian said pointing at the sky to reveal a cloud.

Looking closer I could make out the flash emblem oh no he knew I blushed a bit and Damian actually laughed and winked indicating he wouldn't tell.

"What's wrong?"Wally asked I was confused before I realized I had sighed in relief.

"Oh nothing."I said getting up and patting my jeans from dirt.

Wally did the same.

"We've got to go."Aqualad said to Conner, Cyborg, and Roy.

Conner turned to Tim and asked if he wanted to tag along.

Of course Tim loved action so he instantly placed himself there.

So it was me, Wally, Damian, and Garfield.

Damian had a huge grin on his face that was really creepy and disturbing a bit.

Turning to Garfield he spoke."bet I could make it to the Teen titans tower faster than you could."

Garfield oblivious to it all took the bait."No way you can get there first."

"Race?"Damian tested his luck.

"Three ... Two ... One!"Garfield screamed and Damian disappeared.

Leaving me and Wally to catch up.

"Hey wanna do something fun?"Wally asked and started to walk.

Following for a while I had to ask"What are we doing then?"

"We're going to the carnival."He said looking back at me."Race ya?"I cocked my head to the side with a really I'm not doing that look.

"Wally you're a speedster you cheater."I said laughing a bit.

Looking around I saw a little booth with fluffy stuffed animals laughing when I saw a Koala with a huge head.

Tapping on Wallys shoulder I pointed to the koala."found the real Wally big headed and everything."I snickered and ended up full on laughing.

But before i knew it Wally was getting his brother.

Looking over I saw Wally at the booth talking to the guy working there.

"Wally? You looking to save your twin?"he looked at me full of delight.

"Dickie it's a eating competition!"he was almost jumping up and down.

"Okay do it Wally win your twin Wallace." signing up the competition was to take place at 7pm it was 5:30 so me and Wally walked around going on rides.

Wally loved the fast ones of course to him it was probably slow compared to his speed.

A booming voice came over a speaker."All who are competing in the eating competition please make your way to the stage."

Wally jumped up wide eyed oh did he love food.

Separating I went to the crowd of people and sat on a seat near the middle.

When finally the competitors and Wally came out onto the stage.

Big burley men came following snickering a little I already knew Wallace was getting his freedom.

Sitting in front of a pile of hot dogs with numbers on their chest Wally was #7.

The loud voice came on again."Okay we're gonna get started here in five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... GO!"

Wally threw hot dog after hot dog one after the other like it was air.

His pile consist of at least 20 hot dogs while the others had at least 50.

Wally was way past, now in the lead.

Throwing his last hot dog in his mouth he looked around as everyone cheered and screamed in enjoyment.

We grabbed Wallace and walked in silence for a while.

"Omg I just realized!"I yelled to Wally."we've got to go Wals!"Wally looked confused before I bolted grabbing Wallace the koala.

Looking back I could see Wally running after I jumped a top a branch and jumped up a tree before changing into Nightwing and soaring through the skies with Wally and Wallace near.

Stopping at a huge building to catch my breath Wally was bent over laughing.

"I really miss these times sometimes I wish it had been a longer time period."he said holding his hand up for a high five with me meeting him halfway there slapping his hand with mine.

"I'll miss these times too."I said waving goodbye to a blur that was Wally flashing away.

Holding Wallace tightly in my arms."I'll miss these days too."I whisper as a tear came down my face."Sooner than you may think."

Good luck to those taking the STAAR and if you've already taken it then I hope you did well 😄

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