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(Enchanted-Taylor swift)


The commissioner came up to me and told me to get Dick out and in position for the wedding listening I went to tell him.


I was fighting with myself weighting the options speaking silently to myself.

"If I go I can set thing straight between me and Dick."

"If I don't go Dick might think I hate him. But I don't does he even know that? Probably not."

"If I go I see him marry *sigh*'the love of his life'"

"If I don't I can pretend he never got married ... But that would be selfish."

Finally I had an idea."If I go to this wedding I can finally get over Dick over these feeling over this overwhelming feeling."that was not making me feel whelmed.

Getting my suit on as quickly as I could I zoomed into the tent pulling my suit on the rest of the way.

Now looking at Dick who was starting at me funnily.

"Sorry sorry sorry I'm so sorry for being close to late!"I apologized while rushing towards Dick.

"Well what took so long Wallace?"He said teasing me.

"Wally. I'm not Wallace." I corrected cringing at my full name.

"I'm Wally you must be looking for someone else."i then got closer to his ear and whispered."Hey but I do know what the kid the flash boy yeah his name was along the lines of Wallace."i said with a grin trying not to laugh at Dicks expression.

I had given up on trying to keep my laughter in i burst out with laughter only dragging Dick along.

Out of breath me and Dick smiled at each other i pat my back."No hard feelings Dickie."

He looked at my eyes and a small grin forced its way onto Dicks face."Never we're any Kawalla bear."

Cringing at the name He knew exactly what he was doing."Not that name anything but that name."i wined hating the nickname Hal gave me.

"Sorry no can do Kawalla." He said smugly.

"Fine no can do Duckie."I said threw the animal name game in his face.

"Surrender don't make me suffer more on this."He said throwing his hands up in surrender I say trying to keep my laughter in at the stupid names.

"You keep trying to get away let's see how far yo-"I was cut off by Conner who now spoke.

Walking away I saw Dick exit and Conner who signaled for os to follow.

With Kara at my arm I walked till I was somewhat behind Dick.

The rest followed behind partnered up.

The music started as Barbara walked down the aisle she was truly beautiful but she looked bothered.

With commissioner Gordon at her side walking down the aisle together.

I felt that spark of jealousy hit and felt a type of pain that couldn't be explain.

Now listening I hear the preacher."Richard 'Dick' Grayson will you take Barbara Gordon to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love?"

Pain that he might think of her that way think of her as his one true love the only one he needed if so then why do I feel this way.

"Will you cherish her friendships and love her today tomorrow and forever?"

Love her forever the pain pinging me was I like a side chick or something did I mean nothing to him was I just a friend.

"Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her?"

Was our laughter nothing did it mean nothing to him was I just over thinking things.

"Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall-" I shouldn't have came this was a mistake.

All my instincts yelled for me to run so I listened wanting everything to disappear all the pain betrayal all the things I felt I wanted them to be left behind me while I run.

Not caring I ran from it all.

I could hear a soft running behind me but I knew who it was and I knew I couldn't face him anytime soon.

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