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(Everything has changed-Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran)


   "Kid Flash!!" Beast Boy was jumping about. He was all smiles and bouncing around like a giddy pet who's owner just made it home.

   "Like the Kid Flash from the Young Justice Team." Cyborg asked examining Robin for any answer and Beast Boy for a reaction. When Beast Boy nodded quickly and began bouncing more Cyborg looked taken aback. "Oh my Robin! You know the Kid Flash and you never thought to tell us?"

   He made it seem like I wasn't easily good enough to fight alongside KF. I crossed my arms, "That was a while back." I knew he didn't mean for it to come out mean but hey it did! As if being on The Young Justice Team was some great feat. Sure I could push it away, it wasn't jealousy no definitely not jealous.

   KF turned to me and looked at me with the same look of sorry he had the day I left the team.

   "Rob, I uh kinda needed to speak with you about something else as well. Since I'm here and all." He smiled and damn if I didn't want to believe that smile held good intent.

   "Um yeah let's go to my room. If you guys would excuse us." We made our way there. The whole time I could hear the beating of my heart filling my thoughts leaving me paralyzed with thoughts of what he could wanna talk with me about after all this time.

   When the door closed Wally wasted no time, "Well it's about me and-." He choked up he looked embarrassed. "Yes Wally?" That didn't seem to help either. "I um." A cough, "am dating Artemis." He was silent. In fact the entire room was silent and for a second I thought I had lost my hearing.

   Laughter and even I surprised myself. "Oh this is a joke." Wally's face said otherwise and a knife twisted deeper. "I guess you just finally decided to choose." I stood throwing the chair out from underneath me. Storming from the room and towards the elevator. Wally followed too, like a confused puppy.

   "No no no it's not like that at all Robin." I finally turned and Wally had to stumble upon himself to keep me from running over him. "Really, not at all? Well I guess you ought to go ask for someone else's blessing. Maybe a new best friend! Because you won't be hearing one from me."

   "Come on Rob-" If only I had my boomerangs on me. "No! Now out KF!" I left him there without another word. Of all the people in the world he chose her, it was because of her that I was cast out of the team and he just chose her.


   Robin and me had fought in the past. Somehow this felt different. Maybe it was the fact that it all felt like I could only ever have him or her but never both. Was it so difficult for him to understand that I could care for the both of them. He was my best friend, yet he wasn't acting like himself so angry and spiteful.

   He was gone had left me standing by the elevator with his teammates standing close by. The orange girl was looking at me and I had yet to say hi. "Hi." I greatly hoped that she knew who I was. I was getting real tired of just being some accessory to someone else.

   "Hello. You are known as the Kid flash, am I right?" She asked obviously she was new or an alien considering her markings.

   "Yeah uh......and you?" I must have sounded dorky to her and everyone else.

   "They call me The Starfire." She said happily "This is Cyborg and Beast Boy."she went around introducing me to Beast Boy, who i'd met before and Cyborg, a new face.

   "Oh hi guys I ......uh know ......uh Robin ......um from you know ......uh young justice." I knew how Robin felt about the Young justice team.

   "You mean that robin was really a part of The Young Justice Team!" Cyborg said considering the subject with awe.

   "What is this young justice team you speak of?" Starfire looked to me for an answer.

   "It's ateam of allthe sidekicks that fought alongside actual superhero's andthey proved that sidekicks arejust as mighty andcan be considered superhero's too!!" Beast Boy went off on his rant.

  "Calm bb tell us a bit slower."Cyborg calmed Beast boy down who was now taking breaths to keep up with himself probably trying not to pass out.

   "Okay .... its a team of all the sidekicks that fought next to the actual superhero's ..... and they showed that sidekicks are practically superheroes too!" he said trying hard not to go off again.

   I viewed the surrounding as the awkward silence was leaving me feeling super well awkward. So I broke the silence.

   "It was really nice to meet you all. I better get going." I really just needed to get away to think properly about the situation.

   Starfire smiled at me and I should have just walked away but her polite, "Why don't you stay for the night Kid Flash?" Broke me. She was so kind I had no real reason to turn her down. Not to mention I really wanted to talk more with Robin about the thing.

   No I shouldn't I could just make an excuse and leave and forget about it all. The nagging desire to stay and mend things with Robin is what made me choose to stay in the end.

   "Sure why not."

   I really didn't want to be there at all. It was awkward already, but I had to talk to Robin. I needed that friend who I could truly and honestly talk to without feeling some pressure to save face. There was no one who would understand as well as Robin.

   Beast boy turned to me with a wide smile, "Cool, let us show you around then!"

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