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(Nightingale-Demi Lovato)


I ran as everything in my head was yelling for me to RUN I did and found myself where I might find peace and sanity I felt happy for once in my life.

I just can't believe this tears ran down my face I lay to think as my hair stuck to my forehead how could he ditch me he seriously could have told me he was gonna be with Cassie I wouldn't mind standing aside for her but no.

And now I'm in the middle of the woods alone why did it have to be like this.


I lay in bed to think and clear my mind.

How could they not care about this small town known as Smallville is the perfect place to hide out.

Nice, Quiet, just peaceful people here know me as Steven Tray and my supposed parents Lillina and Conner who are actually two people from my favorite book.

No one notices anything suspicious about me only I don't have friends well except for Dylan and Dalila Ponnd who are cool to hang with.

I miss being with Barry and Hal and Batgirl and Aquagirl and Garth and Nightwing and Wally and almost every one of my friends except for two.

"Uhhhhhhhh."I tuned to look at what time it was to see it was 3am already.

I don't know why I can't sleep I going to end up getting insomnia.

I closed my eyes trying to forget everything and Cassie and Jamie all I want is for them to leave me alone and get out of my head and off my train of thought conductors need to sleep too you know they can't be up all night.

I shut my eyes trying to sleep as I drifted away .

I looked down walking down the stairs as I turned I almost fell but grabbed the railing not wanting to let go as I jumped up scared as my heart raced faster then a rabbit.

I got no sleep after that I went to walk around the town.

I walked into a small corner store looking to buy some Chicken Whizzes what I saw instead was Jamie holding up a picture that looked like it could be a sign.

I turned as humanly possible to not give away that I was a speedster and ran but the guy must have seen me because I saw Jamie catching up to me.

I turned the corner fast in one quick sweep of my feet into an ally.

I came out of the ally now as Impulse and I could see Jamie had changed to now in his Blue Beetle costume.

I rushed but Jamie threw a net at me as it strapped me to the floor with a speed too advanced to see I vibrated my molecules to pass though the net easily.

Everyone in the town was now watching me and Jamie chase each other finally I lost him in the thickness of the woods.

I made it to the little treehouse I had stayed in and grabbed all my belongings ready to leave as I turned face inches away from Jamie's .

"Why do constantly want to leave ese?"Jamie asked I could see the sadness I his eyes all the pain and suffering I put upon him all the hurting he was and had gone through it really made me want to burst out crying my eyes out to know I caused his sadness and pain.

I looked at my shoes ashamed of my actions all my words all my hate I wish I could take that away and make Jamie happy for once not sad.

I dropped my backpack to the ground and walked to the small built in bed and sat on the edge hopping Jamie would sit next to me.

To much of my surprise when I looked up he was gone from the door.

Maybe I was hallucinating I was pretty delirious at the moment from all the running and no food and stress.

Maybe it was a dream and I woke up sitting on the edge of my bed whatever it was I know one thing.

It wasn't Jamie.

And it would never be.

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