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(Pretend it's okay-Little mix)


Today's the day.

Today was the wedding ceremony.

Me and Barbara had finished everything up and now we only had to do this.

In the room I was staying in was with all my groomsmen.

We had to have the groomsmen partnered with a certain bridesmaids.

Cyborg(Victor) and Raven
Conner and M'gann
Roy and Artemis
Jason and Star
Tim and Stephanie
Aqualad and Zatanna
Wally and Kara

Damian was to come and bring the rings to us.

Looking in the mirror I saw what I have become is this me is this who I want to be?

Yes I want this of course I want this.

1 hour before the ceremony takes place and Wally still hasn't shown up yet.

It's fine an hour is long enough.


4 minutes left and out of nowhere Wally runs in tugging his suit on.

"Sorry sorry sorry I'm so sorry for being close to late!"he said rushing towards me.

"Well what took so long Wallace?"I said teasing him.

"Wally. I'm not Wallace I'm Wally you must be looking for someone else."he then got closer and whispered in my ear."Hey but I do know what the kid the flash boy yeah his name was along the lines of Wallace."he said with a huge smile.

I could tell he had given up on trying to keep his laughter in because he burst out with laughter only dragging me along.

Out of breath we smiled at each other he pat my back."No hard feelings Dickie."

I looked at his big green eyes and a small grin forced its way onto my face."Never we're any Kawalla bear."

Cringing at the name I knew exactly what I was doing."Not that name anything but that name."he wined.

"Sorry no can do Kawalla."

"Fine no can do Duckie."he threw the animal name game at me.

"Surrender don't make me suffer more on this."I said throwing my hands up in surrender and trying to keep my laughter in at the stupid names.

"You keep trying to get away let's see how far yo-"Wally was cut off by Conner.

"Okay Dick ready. it's just about to start."Conner said."in about 2 minutes."

"Okay let get this over with I want FOOD!" Wally laughed and left.

"Let's get going."I said motioning for them to follow.

I walked down to my place and next came Kara and Wally who gave me a wink.

Then Aqualad and Zatanna followed by Conner and M'gann.

Next was Roy and Artemis who was followed by Victor and Raven.

Out came Jason and Star and lastly Tim and Stephanie.

I could hear the music start to play signaling that it was Barbara's turn.

Looking I saw Barbara in a pretty white dress that fit her well.

She started to walk down the aisle with commissioner Gordon at her side she looked mildly disturbed.

Reaching out I grabbed her hand and got her in front of me.

Looking at her now I saw her for who she really was she was Barbara, Barbara Gordon one of the few people I trusted.

Did I want that to change would it change anything between us.

I knew one thing no matter what changed between me and Barbara it wouldn't compare to what will change between me and Wally.

Now listening I hear the preacher."Richard 'Dick' Grayson will you take Barbara Gordon to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love?"

Time stopped for me did I consider Barbara my one true love I couldn't say I didn't love her I loved Barbara but was she my one true love. I couldn't honestly say she was.

"Will you cherish her friendships and love her today tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live."

Looking at Barbara I saw a fear in her eye a fear not of me saying no but maybe of me saying yes.

And that's when I heard it foot steps fast ones and before I knew it Wally was out running down the aisle away from it all.

Jumping away not paying attention to what I was doing I ran I ran to him I ran after him.

I burst out the door as bystanders stared in confusion.

Seeing the red head I ran to him chasing as he ran the other way away from me.

Realizing I needed someone to talk to someone who would understand me and wouldn't judge me or ask me why I did it or something like that.

So I waited for him.

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