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(Getting away with it-James)


Long after 10(pm) I knocked on Damian's window hoping he out of all of them had stopped searching for me.

Hoping he was here.

My thoughts were broken when Damian opened the window letting me in a bit confused.

"Grayson?"he sounded very concerned."we've been looking for you for hours Bruce sent me home to sleep ... what's it?" He asked.

I was wondering why he would ask I opened my mouth but instantly closed it as I felt it I felt the cold streams of tears start to race down my face.

I grabbed him and hugged him not letting go.

We sat like that for a nice hour before I felt his weight lighten and looking I saw he was now asleep.

Picking him up I laid him in his bed putting his covers over him and laying beside him drifting off to sleep myself.


Alfred walked to Damian's room opening the door to see Damian and Dick laying on Damian's bed fast asleep.

Smiling he closed the door not wanting to bother them.

Walking over to a stressed out Bruce who was making calls left and right, Alfred pointed a finger at Damian's door.

A confused Bruce went to the door and pushed it open to see Dick and Damian laying smiling he put his phone in his pocket and closed the door leaving the two to sleep.


Looking everywhere for Dick who left us all worried when he didn't show up after a few hours.

Everyone was running everywhere searching but I knew if we found him he didn't and wouldn't want to talk to anyone.

Jumping onto a roof I saw Bruce.

He turned to me sounding like he was angry less with me but more with himself.

Looking at me he had told me to go home.

"No I'm not leaving till Grayson's found!"I said not moving.

"Yes you are!"he said raising his voice at me and pointing in the direction of the mansion.

Listening I went to the mansion.

Laying in my bed looking at the ceiling fan go round and round.

Wishing Grayson would just knock on my window or something.

Wait a minute was that knocking on my window.

Edging closer to the window I looked out to see pitch black.

Opening it I looked and saw none other than."Grayson?"I could hear the concern in my own voice.

Letting him in I spoke"we've been looking for you for hours Bruce sent me home to sleep." He looked a bit scared himself.

I saw a tear go down his face instantly worried."what's it?" I asked He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it.

Without warning he threw his arms around me throwing me off guard.

I grabbed and hugged him tightly not wanting to let go as I knew the pain of having to choose.

I have no clue how long we were like that but soon I started to drift off.

I knew why.

Grayson wanted to know Wally was okay because deep down he knew he couldn't change how he felt for Wally and he knew it wasn't just the feelings that pained him.

I awoke to see Bruce peak into my room at first I thought maybe Grayson had left but soon I felt a warm body by my side.

I knew it was Grayson I put my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes fading to sleep.


I ran to my house and lay on my bed tears rushing without hesitation non stop.

Pain thrashing through my body sobbing wildly I knew what I was doing I should have stayed home I shouldn't have bothered Dick.

Now his life was ruined I didn't want to be a part of this.

I didn't want him to be hurt because of me.

And they say the truth hurts the truth doesn't hurt it really just kills.

It kills to know to know and not believe.

Sitting here I saw the truth.

Sitting here I knew what it meant.

Sitting here looking like the precise definition of recklessness.

Knowing I recked my friendship because of one stupid mistake.

One mistake I knew I could never have changed.

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