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(Skyscraper-Demi Lovato)

(Had to make some changes because I kinda killed off iris)


I fought myself saying god I love your name Dickie.

I may or may have not had a small crush on the now big bird I was dropping little clues grabbing his hand telling him that I loved him he didn't seem to notice.

I opened the door to see a boy wearing a costume with a huge reddish lightning bolt going down the chest of the boy.

"Hi Wally."he said energetically."Im Bart, Bart Allen."

"Really?"Barry asked confused.

"Yeah I'm your grandson."he said with a wide smile towards Barry.

"I don't even think I have a son, Bart." Barry spoke.

"Well not yet."

"Hi there Wally."Barrys parents spoke (you know what I'm not going to follow the story so Barrys Mom is still alive Ebolo right)

"Hi Mrs and Mr Allen."I said politely

"Great Grandma Grandpa nice to see ya." The boy had just now noticed them. "Where is Hallow?"he asked confused.

"What?"Barry asked confused with the strange question.

Bart leaned to Barrys ear and cuffed around his mouth whispering something to Barry causing him to blush a deep red.

"What?"I asked wanting to know.

"Nothing."Barry said quickly.

"Okay whatev-" before I could finish my sentence there was a knock on the door I turned to open it at the door was Hal perfect Dick was right something was gonna happen.

"Sup Kowalla."he said.

It was like 20 or below so he was wearing 3 jackets and a benni and letting cold air in I quickly decided to let him in so it wasn't so cold.

"Hey Hallow."Bart said happy.

"Uh do I know you?"Hal asked

"Of course I'm you-"Bart hesitated"Best friends grandson Bart Allen."he said looking like he was thinking hard.

"What's wrong kiddo?"Hal asked.

"Nothing."he said instantly changing the subject "hey were is Blue?"

"Who?"me, Hal, and Barry said in unison.

"Blue you know Blue Beetle."he said like it was obvious.

"Ohhhhhhhhh." I was alone this time."Well he is at the mountain." I said and Barry elbowed me giving me a look.

"Thanks Wally."he ran off.

"Wally we were supposed to keep him here."Barry said not at all angry.

"What did he tell you."I really wanted to know also I kinda didn't wanna be yelled at.

"What are you talking about."Barry was obviously avoiding the question.

"I'm talking about when he whispered something into your ear."I clarified.

"Oh he said nothing."Barry said you could tell he was lieing.

"You don't just blush for no reason."Barry stayed quite."Uncle Barry you can tell me anything, anything at all don't you trust me? You know something about him don't you?"

Barry looked at the floor and spoke."He told me something along the lines of you know re-marring to someone, someone may know."

"Who you can tell us."I said getting my girlish instincts.

He opened his mouth then closed it then finally spoke."Not now Wally." He said quickly getting a few sweaters on and running out of the door.

"Well I guess that's our cue to go to the Mountain."I really felt bad for what I said.

I started running changing into my costume at the same time.


I stood in mount justice lounge room with Cassie(Wonder girl), Batgirl, Arsenal, Aquagirl, M'gann,and Karen(Bumblebee)Cassie and me were talking about some random stuff when someone super speed into the lounge.

"Hey Jamie nice to see you can I talk with you thanks." He spoke fast he ran over and all of a sudden I was in the hall.

"Uh not to be rude or anything but do I know you?"I asked as politely as I could.

"Not yet her-man-o."He said happily.

"What is that supposed to mean?"I asked what did he mean by not yet oh brother what was I in for.

The boys eyes moved without his face then he said,"Bye her-man-o." He ran all of a sudden Flash, Green Lantern, and Kid Flash popped out of nowhere.

"Hey have you seen a boy goes by the name Impulse."The Flash said.

I got my chance to speak with a real Superhero from the Justice League."Yeah he was just here."I said nervously.

"Okay." he flashed off and came back holding the one known as Impulse by the back neck part of his costume while Impulse squirmed around trying to get free from Flashes grip. "Thanks Kid."

"Oh I'm Blue Beetle."I tried.

I followed as they walked to where Nightwing was.

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