Chapter 1.

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Around 6 a.m. I awake to my alarm going off. Groaning, I sit up, placing my feet on the floor, thank god for carpet floors. I shut off my alarm then I get up, walking into my bathroom and I start a shower, stepping into it, making sure it's extra warm since it is like 50 degrees outside and inside of my house. Gotta love London. After washing both my hair and body, I get out, wrapping a decent sized towel around my body and I head to my room. While drying off, I look through my closet, picking out my purple Jack Wills hoodie along with my super tight black skinny jeans with slit knees. Oh, can't forget my Chelsea boots. My typical style, yeah? Once I am fully dressed, I check my phone, reading a text message from my good friend, Louis. "Hey Haz! On my way to your house, better be ready unlike last time." I shook my head, smiling at the text and I replied, "Just because you said that, I'm going to make it like last time." and I pressed send. I get my bag together, making sure I have all my school supplies then I head down to my kitchen, grabbing a banana. I sit on the couch, awaiting Louis' arrival while taking small bites of the banana. I hear a car horn and I get up, peeking out the window and I see Louis, pulling up. I can't help but smile and I get my phone and school bag before running out to his car. I plop myself into the passenger side seat and I close the door. "Hey, Lou." I say, smiling and he smiles, "Hello, Haz. I'm glad you're ready this time." He teased and I pinched his arm, "It wasn't my fault. Blame my alarm that wouldn't go off." I say, with a slight attitude. He playfully rolled his eyes, chuckling, "Sure thing." I crossed my arms, looking out the window, adding a huff. Off to school we go.

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