Chapter 50.

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The love Harry and I have is unbelievable. We've been dating for almost 5 years and I can't wait for more to come. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, but in the end, we got our shit together. Not every relationship is perfect, you know. As Harry focused on the tv in front of us, I just admired the boy in my arms. He's just.. wow. I can't even put words together to describe him. From the first day we met as little kids, Harry has always been flawless. He'll be flawless till the day we take our last breaths, and even in his afterlife, if you believe in that sort of thing. The point is, Harry's beautiful and I question everyday why he wanted me. Why he ever fell in love with me, but in the end, I just smile because I couldn't ask for anyone better. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ding. I reached over, grabbing my phone and I typed in my passcode to open my text message from my friend Oli. "Hey Tommo. Free to hang?" I glanced at the clock, reading 12:35 pm then I responded to him, "Yeah, I'm free." I clicked send then I put my focus on Harry, "Hey babe, Oli wants to hang out for a bit, is it okay if I go?" Harry looked over, meeting my eyes, "Yeah, of course." I nodded, looking at my phone, receiving a message, "Meet downtown?" I quickly replied, "See you there." I stood up and walked upstairs. I turned on the bedroom light and headed over to the closet where I pulled out my red adidas jacket with a white tank top, and jean shorts. I put on my clothes then lastly, my white vans. Before I left the room, I snatch one of Harry's beanies and I put it on as I walk downstairs, "If you need anything, just give me a call, okay?" I called out and got a, "Okay" within seconds. I walked behind the couch where Harry sat and I kissed the top of his head, "Love you." I said, smiling when I heard him say, "Love you too." I grabbed my car keys then headed out.


Oli and I walked around the city as we each drank a beer. "Hey, is it okay if we can go into the jewelry store?" I asked, pointing to it so Oli would follow. "Yeah. Wait a second, for what?" He asked and I shrugged, "Just to look for fun, I suppose." Which wasn't a lie. I could use some new men's jewelry. "Alright, yeah." He said and I followed him into the store. Before we entered, we finished our beers then tossed the empty bottles into the trash then we walked in. I looked around, seeing a lot of impressive looking jewelry. Something then caught my eye. It was a huge selection of rings. I walked over and looked through the glass, eyeing the rings. As I looked, I found one that was white gold with black diamonds in the middle. A man came over and spoke, "Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you with anything?" He asked me, which caused me to look up at him, "Oh, yes. I was wondering the price on this ring here." I told him and he nodded, opening the case. "Planning to propose?" He had asked me while looking at the price. Propose? "Not anytime soon, may I ask why you had asked me that?" He let out a chuckle, "Well, these are engagement rings." "Oh, I see." I said, nodding a bit. "Would you still like to know the price?" He had asked and I nodded, "Yes, of course." "The price for this ring is $1,350." He told me. That price isn't that bad if you think about it. I thought it'd be way more expensive. I smiled after he had finished talking, "Thank you very much. Let me walk around a bit more and I might just be back for that ring." He nodded, "Of course." He put it back as I walked away. Now that I think about it, proposing wouldn't be so bad.. I mean we've been together for almost 5 years like I said earlier. After I had walked the entire store, I had made my decision on buying the ring. I walked over to the gentleman I talked to and told him I'd like to buy it. "What size would you like the ring, sir?" He asked. "I believe a 5.5, but it can be a 6 just to be safe." I told him and he nodded, "Sounds good." He said and he looked under all the rings for the right size. When he had found the 6, he handed me the black box. After I took the box, I paid for the ring then walked to Oli. "Ready to go somewhere else?" He asked and I nodded, "Yeah. Wanna go to the sport store?" I asked and he nodded, "Thought you'd never ask" He said, adding a chuckle at the end. I laughed a bit, walking out with him. As we walked through the sport store, I thought about what I just bought. Am I really ready to do this? What if Harry says no whenever I decide to pop the question? What if he isn't ready.. I guess we'll find out when the time comes, that's if it does.


I returned home around 6:50 pm. When I walked into the house, it was quiet. "Harry?" No response. I cocked up an eyebrow, closing the front door behind me as I walked more into the house. I looked around and saw dinner prepared and set out on the dining room table. Maybe he's using the bathroom, so this gives me time to hide the box. I quickly sprinted up the stairs and to our bedroom. I checked to make sure Harry wasn't in it, and when I didn't see him, I opened my nightstand drawer and hide the box in the back. I heard a door close then a voice, "Louis? What're you looking for" I turned around to see Harry standing in the doorway, "Oh, nothing." I told him and he nodded, giving a smile. "Well dinner is ready. Hungry?" He asked, "God yes, I'm starving." I said, and really, I was. He laughed a bit, "C'mon then." He said, heading downstairs. I closed the drawer then followed him down into the kitchen. "I made your favorite." He told me and I looked at the food on the table. Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash. This boy, I swear. I love him.

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