Chapter 58.

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Today is the day.

Today I am getting married to my best friend. To the love of my life. To Harry. I can't believe it's finally happening, to be honest. It's an incredible feeling I tell you. Here I am standing in front of the alter awaiting for my soon to be husband to walk down. All of our friends and family are here, so I'm trying not to show that I'm nervous or that I'm going to cry when I see Harry walking cause you know how some people cry when they see the love of their life walk down the isle? Well, I want that to be me, but on the inside. That's when the music began and everyone stood up. I took in a deep breath and looked forward as I saw Harry approaching me. He looked up from the ground and locked his eyes with mine. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He got closer and then he was in front of me. I took his hands as he stood in front of me. "Hi" He whispered. "Hi" I whispered back with a smile on my face. The priest then stepped forward, "We gather here today to unite these two people in marriage." As he spoke, he then got to an important part. "May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other." He then looked at me, "Louis, please repeat after me. I Louis, promise to love and support you Harry and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed." I looked at Harry, repeated the vows and placed the ring on Harry's finger. He then turned to face Harry. "Harry, please repeat after me. I Harry, promise to love and support you Louis and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed." Harry looked at me, smiled and repeated the vows then placed the ring onto my finger. "Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and man. You may kiss." He said, stepping back. I smiled and leaned in, kissing Harry. He held my sides, kissing back and everyone started to clap and cheer. I pulled away and looked down at him. "We did it." He smiled, "I'm so unbelievably happy right now." He said. I smiled and I took his hand in mine as we walked down the isle, heading to the after party.


At the after party, Harry and I thanked people who congratulated us on the wedding. Our mum's then walked over and hugged us both. "I'm so happy for you two!" Anne said, a few tears falling. "Aw mum. Don't cry" Harry said, laughing a bit as he hugged her tightly. "My little boy is growing up. You're married now." He smiled into her shoulder and just held her. I looked at my mum who was just smiling. I smiled and pulled her into a hug, "I'm so proud of you Louis." She whispered. -- During the night, Harry and I were sitting at our table, eating some cake then we heard, "At this time, we'd like for the newlyweds to have their first dance." I finished my bite of cake then I stood up, holding my hand out for Harry. When he took it, I walked us over to the dance floor. I placed one hand on Harry's hip as the other took his hand. He rested his other hand on my shoulder and we slowly began to dance. As we slow danced, Harry rested his head on my shoulder and I rested mine against his, closing my eyes. "I love you" He whispered. I smiled and whispered, "I love you too, Mr. Tomlinson." I could feel Harry smile against my shoulder and he put his head up, looking at me. I looked back at him and kissed him once more. He kissed back as we moved then pulled away when our dance was over. When our dance was over, everyone went onto the dance floor and danced. I kept Harry close to me as we danced to more of an upbeat song. We danced for hours and hours, then finally the party came to an end. Now we were off to our honeymoon. Before we left, Harry held onto Anne and Gemma, saying goodbye and promising he'll visit. As well did I. I hugged my mother, and sisters, saying goodbye and that I promised I'd visit. "I love you Louis." My mum said, "I love you too." I said and I kissed her on the cheek. When Harry returned to me, I opened his car door and shut it once he was in then I got in and we were off. --

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